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Brewster was so much pleased with the apparatus that he described it and figured it in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, of which he was then editor. By James Nasmyth. About the year 1827, when I was nineteen years old, the subject of steam carriages to run upon common roads occupied considerable attention.

In 1864 he moved for a select committee of nineteen members to consider the prospects of federal union. It sat with closed doors. A few hours before the defeat of the Taché-Macdonald ministry in June, he, the chairman of the committee, reported to the House that

Probably I shan't live very long" Thorpe recalled that the old man had always taken a gloomy view of his health after the third glass "and if you want to pay me the nineteen thousand dollars, or whatever it is, why I shall say 'God bless you, and be more than contented." "Oh, there's something more to it than that," observed Thorpe, with an added element of business-like briskness in his tone.

They form a great pile of manuscript, from the paper copy-books of the school-boy to the carefully collated reports of the college student, begun when the writer was ten or eleven years of age and continued with little interruption till he was eighteen or nineteen.

Brown, who visited Irving in that year, sought in vain to enlist the service of the latter, who, then a youth of nineteen, had a little reputation as the author of some humorous essays in the "Morning Chronicle" newspaper. Charles Brockden Brown died, the victim of a lingering consumption, in 1810, at the age of thirty-nine.

"Quite my own opinion, Reggy." "Well, dear, now if you would be so kind as not to grow any older till I catch you up, I shall be so very, very, very much obliged to you, dear." "I will try, Reggy. Nineteen is a very good age. I will stay there as long as my friends will let me." "Thank you, cousin." "But that is not what we have in hand."

And both Wada and the steward are limping. Really, the only comfort I can find is in my bunk, so wedged with boxes and pillows that the wildest rolls cannot throw me out. There, save for my meals and for an occasional run on deck for exercise and fresh air, I lie and read eighteen and nineteen hours out of the twenty-four. But the unending physical strain is very wearisome.

It ought to have arrived by this time." "Yes. I am inclined to think it has. Had it any special characteristics?" "No, I don't think so. Just an ordinary pug." "Well, young man, if you will go to my coachhouse, you will find nineteen ordinary pugs; and if you would kindly select your beast, and shoot it, I should be much obliged." "Nineteen?" said the other, in astonishment.

That western Normandy, the truest Normandy, had to yield to the more thoroughly Romanized lands to the east. The difference between them never again takes a political shape. William was now lord of all Normandy, and able to put down all later disturbers of the peace. His real reign now begins; from the age of nineteen or twenty, his acts are his own.

Thomas' Church and walk home with her evenings. Father Underhill felt quite guilty in not forewarning his wife of the conspiracy, but one evening she mistrusted. "Margaret is altogether too young to keep company," she declared in an authoritative way. "Margaret is nineteen," said her father. "And you were only twenty when I married you." "That's too young."