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They knew but one image, they tended to but one prospect. Shrinking from the glare of her brother's court, and eclipsed, when she forced herself to appear, by the more matured and dazzling beauty, and all-commanding presence, of Nina, to her the pomp and crowd seemed an unreal pageant, from which she retired to the truth of life, the hopes and musings of her own heart.

"Eye please, the singular or plural in this case makes all the difference, but I shall have my new one in fairly soon now and then illusion will help me!" Nina sighed . "Illusion! I am just not going to think of what perhaps might have happened if I had not been surrounded with illusion, last February ."

We English do not understand sufficiently how the Russians love us for our easy victory over tyranny, and despise us for the small use we have made of our victory and then, after all, there is something to be said for tyranny too.... But Nina did not see why she should not capture Lawrence.

But one day as they were walking along the "Block" in George Street, she saw her husband raise his hat to a tall, fair-haired woman with big blue eyes. "Is that she, Jack?" murmured Nina. Lester nodded. "She's very lovely. And yet I felt once that I could have killed her when you and I sat together watching the big tree fall. But I couldn't hate any one now."

No one would be more lenient to a little harmless flirtation which was never meant to lead anywhere than my good mother. Still it was a great bore for Josephine to turn up when she did. Obliged me to shorten my leave abruptly, and see less of Miss Beatrice. What a little tiger Nina would be if her jealousy was aroused no help for me but flight. Yes, Saunders, you needn't wait."

"She will be wrecked, too, and all in her will, to a certainty, perish." "I cannot think that it is not his," said Nina. "He has some reason for approaching the further end of the island, if, indeed, he is not about to enter the harbour perhaps he may purpose going round it to anchor on the northern side."

"You go, or he hangs. Will you obey?" Dain shook Nina off, and, making a sudden lunge, struck Almayer full in the chest with the handle of his kriss, keeping the point towards himself. "Hai, look! It was easy for me to turn the point the other way," he said in his even voice. "Go, Tuan Putih," he added with dignity. "I give you your life, my life, and her life.

Though she were still a Christian herself, she must teach herself to look at other Christians, even at those belonging to herself, with Jewish eyes. Unless she could do so she would not be true and loyal to him with that troth and loyalty which he required. Poor Nina!

The prince remained seated next to her, but Varia moved to the other end of the room; the portrait of Nastasia Philipovna remained lying as before on the work-table. Gania observed it there, and with a frown of annoyance snatched it up and threw it across to his writing-table, which stood at the other end of the room. "Is it today, Gania?" asked Nina Alexandrovna, at last.

Nina had meanwhile opened the piano, and was letting her hands stray over the instrument in occasional chords; and then in a low voice, that barely blended its tones with the accompaniment, she sang one of those little popular songs of Italy, called 'Stornelli' -wild, fanciful melodies, with that blended gaiety and sadness which the songs of a people are so often marked by.