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In the court the body of the keeper was found upon the pavement. The countenance looked the terror of which the man died, and as a spectacle grimly prepared the beholders for the disclosures which were to follow. There was need of resolution to make the dismal ferriage from the lower platform in the cistern, but it was done, Nilo at the oars.

The well-directed steel at length accomplished the work, and the pride of the Cynegion lay still in the bloody tangle then the benches found voice. Amidst the uproar Count Corti went to Nilo. "Who art thou?" he asked, in admiration. The King smiled, and signified his inability to hear or speak. Whereupon the Count led him to the Princess. "Take heart, fair saint," he said.

The rain had ceased, but a dense mist had gathered in and sent a chilly breath through the doorway where Basil stood with Nilo in his arms. Spira was following her hands clasped over her bright bodice, and her face looking ten years older than when she came in.

Retreating to the couch, she there covered her ears with her hands, trying to escape the prayers the doomed man persisted to the last in addressing her. By and by Nilo returned alone. He took the cloak from the floor, wrapped her in it, and signed her to go with him; but the distresses she had endured, together with the horrors of the scene just finished, left her half fainting.

The charge of cowardice had been premature. The near thunder of his roaring was exultant and awful. There was great ease of heart to the people when Nilo for he it was taking position between the devoted pair and their enemy, shook the net from his shoulder, and proceeded to give an example of his practice with lions in the jungles of Kash-Cush.

When he caught the young Greek from Nilo, the shortest while ago, he was wholly unconscious of timidity. The change was wonderful. Nor was the awkwardness beginning to hamper his hands and feet less incomprehensible. And why the embarrassment when people paused to observe him? Thus the party pursued on until the descent from the wall; he on the right side of the chair, and Nilo on the left.

Danger always sharpens my sense of the ridiculous, and the sight of Basil steadying himself with a pole, and striding through the mire with the long-legged Englishman on his back, fairly upset my gravity. He soon landed him, and came back for me; lifting me on one arm, and carrying me as easily and tenderly as if I had been little Nilo.

The exclamation signified a curtain rising upon a scene of prosecution against which the Christian covered his face with his hands.... Again Nilo brought him back to present duty.... In a short time Lael was in the chair, and they bearing her off. Sergius set out first for Uel's house. The time was near morning; but for the conflagration the indications of dawn might have been seen in the east.

I call it a treaty as distinct from a purchase, for Nilo was my friend and attendant my ally, if you please never my slave. There was a reception for us the like of which for feasting and merriment was without mention in the traditions of the tribe. A grandson filled my friend's throne; but he gave it back to him, and voluntarily took his place with me. Thou shalt see him to-morrow.

Addressing Syama, he said gravely: "This is Nilo, son of the Nilo whom you knew. As you held the father in love, so you shall hold the son." The man was young, very black, and gigantic in stature. Syama embraced him as he had the others. In the great city there was not a more united household under roof than that of the shopkeeper's friend.