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"I say, Tim, lend me a nickel. I'll pay it back. I hope to die if I don't," he said to Tim, who was hurrying past him on some errand for his mother. "I hain't no nickels to lend," was Tim's answer, as he disappeared in the crowd, leaving Tom hovering near the candy table and looking longingly at the only half-pound box left.

The eagerness of the penniless children to get into these magic spaces is responsible for an entire crop of petty crimes made more easy because two children are admitted for one nickel at the last performance when the hour is late and the theater nearly deserted.

This reprecipitation may sometimes be dispensed with by adding the iron salt before the first precipitation, but it of course depends upon the other elements present. From Compounds containing Cobalt, Cobalt and Nickel, Iron and group III., together or with other elements.

"What money?" cried Trina. "I want that money. You got it that five thousand dollars. I want every nickel of it! You understand?" "I haven't it. It isn't here. Uncle Oelbermann's got it." "That's a lie. He told me that you came and got it. You've had it long enough; now I want it. Do you hear?" "Mac, I can't give you that money. I I WON'T give it to you," Trina cried, with sudden resolution.

The latter part of Charles Feist's deposition was certainly more in the nature of an argument than of evidence pure and simple, and it might not be admitted in court; but Isidore Bamberger had instructed his lawyer, and the Public Prosecutor would say it all, and more also, and much better; and public opinion was roused all over the United States against the Nickel Tyrant, as Van Torp was now called.

The next essential was to change my wealth into Honduranean silver, chiefly in coins of one real, corresponding in value to an American nickel; for financial transactions were apt to be petty in the region ahead of me.

Give us a nickel all round, you nabob, you. Rides in a sleigh every day, he does, and never thinks no more of Newspaper Square and nights on the old steam holes, he don't!" gibed Battles fiercely. But Lionel scarcely heard this taunt.

A cat, grey and striped, and wearing a dog collar of nickel and red leather, issued from the coat-room and picked her way across the floor. Evidently she was in a mood of the most ingratiating friendliness, and as one after another of the departing traders spoke to her, raised her tail in the air and arched her back against the legs of the empty chairs.

Not Ol' Hucks, fer he's too honest, an' hasn't showed the color of a nickel sense. Not Joe; 'cause he had to borrer five dollars of Bob West to git to the city with. Who then?" "Perhaps," said Louise, slowly, "some burglar did it." "Ain't no burglers 'round these parts." "I suppose not. Only book agents," remarked Beth. McNutt flushed. "Do ye mean as I did it?" he demanded, angrily.

Some foolish person, a benighted Democrat like as not, might timidly suggest that bananas were a greater public blessing when they came from Jamaica and were three for a nickel, but what patriotic citizen would listen for a moment to the criticisms of a person without any conception of the beauty and glory of the great American banana industry, without realization of the proud significance of the fact that Old Glory floats over the biggest banana hothouses in the world!