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"Ah, but ZEES awdiense weel nevair hear souch subtle deefferense!" I knew what he meant too the auditorium was filled with hundreds of glassy eyed parents, siblings, and tiny tots; half of them probably could not even spell "viola". Mr. Rossi practically pranced away off to see the numbskull and make another announcement: the soloist was unharmed; the show would go on.

"I nevair wrote that, nevair, nevair, nevair!" exclaimed the representative of France. "But you brought me the bell," put in Mr. Grimm. "I did, because your name, it was on ze covair of ze box. I not write heem." "Then if you didn't, who did?" asked Mr. Grimm. "I am no readair of ze mind," replied the Frenchman. "I'll bet it is one of Jack Ranger's tricks," said Adrian. "It is just like him."

Lyte began to deny all knowledge of the language, and she suddenly swung into English. "Nevair mind, I speak bloody good English," and then amidst our whoops of applause she demanded "It ees good? What!" Lee came in one morning in a great state of excitement, his rich brogue being augmented with the news he brought.

I feel sad at de pain I haf give you, an' assuir you dat it was inevitabile. You sall not be troubled more. You are free. Mees," he continued, taking Minnie's hand, "you haf promis me dis fair han', an' you are mine. You come to one who loves you bettaire dan life, an' who you love. You owe youair life to me. I sall make it so happy as nevair was."

But me, because I do not wear a woman's skirt, you will break me, hey? Me! Nevair mind, I prefer this man. He at least make no big talk." She slipped her arm through Crossman's, letting her fingers play down from his wrist to his finger-tips and the thrill of it left him tongue-tied and helpless. Jakapa cursed and crouched low. He seemed about to hurl himself upon the pair before him.

"What can it be?" inquired Dick, looking at Joe, who was gazing with an expression of wonder, not unmixed with concern, at the southern sky. "Dun'no', boy. I've bin more in the woods than in the clearin' in my day, but I niver heerd the likes o' that." "It am like t'ondre," said Henri; "mais it nevair do stop." This was true. The sound was similar to continuous, uninterrupted thunder.

"Oh! ye shall nevair git him off," said Francois Xavier, one of the three men a French-Canadian on beholding the stranded vessel. "We'll try," said Pierre, another of the three men, and a burly half-breed.