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"If Billy Isham is going to command a filibustering schooner, I've got to know something about a schooner appear to, anyhow. I've got to know nautical lingo, the real thing, you know. I don't believe a REAL sailor ever in his life said 'belay there, or 'avast. We'll have to go out and see Captain Jack; get some more technical detail." This move was productive of the most delightful results.

Pausing at the head of one of those narrow lanes which running down between warehouses, filthy little rag and bone shops, and low poverty-stricken dwellings appear to terminate their career, not unwillingly, in the Thames, the sailor gazed before him with nautical earnestness for a few seconds, then glanced at the corner house for a name; found no name; cast his eyes up to the strip of blue sky overhead, as if for inspiration; obtained none; planted his legs wide apart as if he had observed a squall coming, and expected the lane to lurch heavily wrinkled his eyebrows, and pursed his lips.

The schismatics caused abundant trouble Captain Cornelius Clas "went about sowing heretical tares amidst the true corn of the Gospel;" amongst other damnable doctrines and subtleties, this nautical and volunteer theologian persuaded the blacks, whom he knew to be desirous of greater liberty in such matters, that baptism is the only sacrament necessary to salvation, because it takes away original sin, as the blood of the Saviour actual sin.

So we stuck to the course for three hours, and then came to the conclusion that the point we had seen must have been the extremity of the island, and that we were at present heading for a continent named Africa, then distant some two hundred nautical miles. The discovery cast a gloom over the ship's company. Our nerves were in a condition then for taking strong impressions.

There's what we should be wanting from you: and as for nautical astronomy, poh, a man with your scientific habit would pick all that up in no time. 'You discuss the matter as gravely as though it were a possibility, Clark, I said, smiling. 'Such a thought would never enter my head: there is, first of all, my fiancée 'Ah, the all-important Countess, eh?

He was here employed, by the recommendation of Captain Palliser, who now commanded the Shrewsbury, in taking soundings in the Saint Lawrence opposite Quebec. While thus occupied he had a narrow escape of being captured by the French. After this he had many opportunities of displaying his talents, while he applied himself diligently to the study of astronomy and other branches of nautical science.

And now, let us return to the consideration of our nautical problem." At the moment it seemed strange that Billy's story should so powerfully have affected me, but the fact remains that it did.

To add to her perplexity, she could not be positive, now that it came to a real nautical query, whether the craft of Neigh's friends had one mast or two, for she had caught but a fragmentary view of the topsail over the apple-trees. 'Is that the yacht which has been lying at Knollsea for the last few days? she inquired of the master of the Speedwell, as soon as she had an opportunity.

His dress was finer than an ordinary seaman's, and though perfectly nautical, was free from any stain of tar or pitch, generally considered absolutely necessary in a sailor's attire. The boy gazed intently on him as he took his meal, closing his eyes however whenever the sailor looked at him, and preserving the appearance of slumber. Mrs.

The blasts of denunciation from the pulpit of Plancius have long since mingled with empty air and been forgotten, but his services in the cause of nautical enterprise and geographical science, which formed, as it were, a relaxation to what he deemed the more serious pursuits of theology, will endear his name for ever to the lovers of civilization. Plancius and Dr.