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One evening, the little boy's father called him to the window to see the moon, which pleased him very much; but presently he said, Father, do not pull the string and bring down the moon, for my naughty brother will prick it, and then it will all shrivel up and we shall not see it any more.

Then I stay with her. But can't she come? He is going to unfold ideas to us. There! 'My naughty girl is not to poke her fun at orators, Nataly said. 'No, dearest; it would agitate me to go. I'm better here. I shall be at peace when the night is over. 'But you will be all alone here, dear mother. Nataly's eyes wandered to fall on Colney. He proposed to give her his company. She declined it.

At these words the Sheriff of Nottingham looked down gloomily, and the Bishop of Hereford, who was present, gnawed his nether lip. Quoth the Sheriff, "I can tell Your Majesty but little concerning the doings of those naughty fellows, saving that they are the boldest lawbreakers in all the land."

And he thought the wisest thing that he could do was to try and find the elf, and make his peace with him. And while he sought, he cried and prayed and promised everything he could think of. Nevermore would he break his word to anyone; never again would he be naughty; and never, never would he fall asleep again over the sermon.

And, do you know, the best fun of all is he's in love with me." "In love with you?" Harry cried, recoiling as he said it. "Yes, of course why not?" said Katie. "The infernal cad!" cried Harry. "Oh, what naughty language!" said Katie. "Oh!" "D n him!" cried Harry, furiously. "What does the fellow mean?" "I declare I won't listen to such shocking language," said Katie. "Now stop!"

"My dranfadder says," she began, in a piping little voice, "dat when he was a little boy his fadder brought him a little monkey from de West Indies. De naughty boys in de village used to tease de little monkey, and he runned up a tree one day. Dey was drowing stones at him, and a man dat was paintin' de house druv 'em away. De monkey runned down de tree, and shook hands wid de man.

"And so ought you to be in bed, you dear, naughty, old thing," said Annie; "but you know people don't always do what they ought. If going to bed is what I ought to do at the present moment, you ought to do the same, nursey. May I call you nursey?" "Well, Miss Annie, you're almost like one of the family; but still I'm properly only nurse to my own two bairns Miss Hetty and Miss Nan."

You and I and mother, when she comes home, will set to work directly and get the house in order, and then we'll get you snugly settled in it. I shall see Mr. Pittman today, and I will tell him what I mean to do. I shall say I wish to have you for a tenant. Everybody knows I'm very fond of that naughty person, Mrs. Pettifer; so it will seem the most natural thing in the world.

"'There, John dearest, take care; don't you see you'll crush all that great affair of Malines lace, that Rosette has been breaking her heart to manage this half hour. "'Et puis, said I. "'Et puis. I could not go to the ball, naughty boy. I am bent on great conquest to-night; so pray don't mar such good intentions. "'And you should be greatly disappointed were you not to go?

Papa he had, pardly from grand-père, pardly brought from France, a separate librarie abbout all those arts, and I think before I was five years I knew every picture in those books, and before ten every page. And always papa and mamma they were teaching me from those books they couldn' he'p it! I was very naughty aboud that. I would bring them the books and if they didn' teach me I would weep.