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The fact is that one o' my friends, a porter on the line, named Sam Natly, has a young wife who is, I fear, far gone wi' consumption; she's worse to-night an' poor Sam's obliged to go on night dooty, so he can't look arter her, an' the old 'ooman they've got ain't worth nothin'. So I thought I'd make bold, ma'am, to ask you to send yer servant to git a proper nurse to take charge of her to-night, it would be "

"All right sir; plenty of time," observed Sam Natly, coming up and receiving the portmanteau from boots. "Which class, sir?" "Eh oh third; no, stay, second," cried the short-sighted gentleman, endeavouring vainly to open his purse to pay boots. "Here, hold my wraps, Fred."

"You're late to-night, Sam," said little Mrs Natly. "Yes, I've had to go to the shed to see John Marrot about a diamond ring." "A diamond ring!" exclaimed his wife. "Yes, a diamond ring."

It's no wonder, for it's a pretty hard job to work them levers for twelve hours at a stretch without an interval, even for meals, but I'm gittin' used to it like the eels to bein' skinned." "It's a great shame of the Company," cried Mrs Natly with indignation. "Come, come," cried Sam, "no treason! It ain't such a shame as it looks.

Sam Natly the porter and his colleagues in office were besieged by all sorts of persons with all sorts of questions, and it said much for the tempers of these harassed men, that, in the midst of their laborious duties, they consented to be stopped with heavy weights on their shoulders, and, while perspiration streamed down their faces, answered with perfect civility questions of the most ridiculous and unanswerable description.

"I don't care two straws, Sam," said little Mrs Natly with great firmness, "not two straws for their fightin's, an' joories, and davydens all I know is that they've no right whatever to kill my 'usband, and it's a great shame!" With this noble sentiment the earnest little woman concluded the evening's conversation, and allowed her wearied partner to retire to rest.

Thus freed, Edwin rose like a giant, crushed Thomson down into a seat, and twisted his neckcloth until his eyes began to glaze and his lips to turn blue. Sam Natly was a man of cool self-possession.

Here are six bottles of wine to Mrs Natly, the railway porter's wife, at three-and-six one pound one not provided for in your estimate. Any more physic, I wonder? H'm, subscription for coals to the poor. Half-a-guinea no head for charities in your estimate, I suppose?"

It was his wife that gave me the information in a moment of over-confidence." "Indeed!" exclaimed Sharp, in some surprise; "and what of Sam Natly and Garvie?" "They're both of 'em innocent, sir," said Blunt. "I did suspect 'em at one time, but I have seen and heard enough to convince me that they have no hand in the business.

"Couldn't father find out about it somehow?" she asked with a hopeful look hopeful because she believed her father capable of doing anything he chose to set his mind to. "Perhaps he could, but he won't be home to-night," replied Loo, thoughtfully. "I think Sam Natly could tell us how to find it. Suppose I go and ask him," said Gertie. Loo laughed, and said she thought Sam couldn't help them much.