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Endymion came and visited her every Sunday, but he was also a social recluse, and though he had been presented to Mrs. Neuchatel and her daughter, and been most cordially received by them, it was some considerable time before he made the acquaintance of the great banker. About September Myra may be said to have formally joined the circle at Hainault.

A vision of white and gold appeared in the doorway and glided over the lawn toward us Myra with a jug. "None at all," said Simpson, sitting up eagerly. "But Thomas isn't quite satisfied with one of the bathrooms, I'm afraid. I heard him saying something in the passage about it this morning when I was inside." "I asked if you'd gone to sleep in the bath," explained Thomas. "I hadn't.

Although the picture was fleeting, it caught his attention. The thought occurred to him that these men were Italians, and therefore possible Mafiosi, but his mood was too optimistic to permit of silly suspicions. To-night the Mafia seemed decidedly unreal and indefinite. He found himself smiling again at the memory of an argument in which he had been worsted by Myra Nell.

She was careful to lock and bolt her bedroom door that night before retiring, and she left a light burning and sat up in bed waiting and watching expectantly. Two o'clock chimed, and Myra was beginning to nod drowsily, when a faint sound brought her to sudden wakefulness and alertness. Someone was trying the door of her bedroom!

He could not think of their relations as really unchanged, and this was inevitable since his sentiment for her was genuine. The grotesqueness of the affair even Myra Nell's own attitude toward it seemed a violation of something sacred.

The conservatory was in semi-darkness, but as Myra entered with Tony she located Don Carlos, for he happened to strike a match at that moment to light a cigarette, before seating himself in a dark corner. "Let's find a dark corner, Tony," said Myra, and guided her fiancé close to where Don Carlos was sitting close enough to be sure that the Spaniard would be able to overhear anything she said.

"And what you want to know is," continued Myra, "whether Lord Roehampton would have any objection to meet Prince Florestan?" "That is something; but that is comparatively easy. I think I can manage that. But when they meet that is the point. But, in the first place, I should like very much to know how you became acquainted with the secret."

That she should have anything to overlook or to forgive in accepting himself and his love, was a condition of things to which he could not bring himself to submit; and her sweet generosity and devotion, rather increased than soothed his sense of wounded pride. He had been superficially honest in the reasons he had given to Myra regarding the impossibility of marriage between them.

Myra went down to the great hall to find the rest of the guests as enthusiastic as herself about the appointments of the castle. "You should see my room, my dear," exclaimed Lady Fermanagh. "It is an exquisite harmony in primrose and pale green that gives one the impression of sunlight and Spring." "Mine is decorated in Japanese style," chimed in Tony.

Relieve him of his promise, and leave the door of your bedroom unlocked again to-morrow night." Myra read the note again and again, her mind in something of a tumult, her heart throbbing fast. She knew it must have been written by Don Carlos, and she was dismayed by the thought that he had been in her room.