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In 1775, on the death of the Marechal du Muy, the ascendency obtained by the sect of innovators occasioned M. de Saint-Germain to be recalled to Court and made Minister of War. His first care was the destruction of the King's military household establishment, an imposing and effectual rampart round the sovereign power.

The Chevalier du Muy was not among these apostates; not even the promise of being High Constable would have tempted him to make up to Madame, still less to betray his master, the Dauphin. This Prince was, to the last degree, weary of the station he held.

"The dauphin still remains secluded in his apartment, but I know that he keeps up a regular correspondence with madame Victoire, whose letters, after being immersed in vinegar, are carried to the comte de Muy, who fumigates them previously to allowing them to reach the hands of the dauphin. "I am, etc., etc. "VERSAILLES, May 5, 1774, nine o'clock, evening."

We required merely automata, and M. de Boynes answered our purpose perfectly well; for a provisional minister nothing could have been better. We were in the utmost terror when his majesty communicated to us his election of a minister of war, and declared his intention of immediately signifying his pleasure to M. de Muy. Such a blow would have overthrown all our projects.

You brought the brat here without orders. Now take him home again," directed Doble harshly. Otero protested fluently, with gestures eloquent. He had not yet been paid for his services. By this time Malapi might be too hot for him. He did not intend ever to go back. He was leaving the country pronto muy pronto. The boy could go back when his sister went. "His sister's not going back.

The Chevalier du Muy was not among these apostates; not even the promise of being High Constable would have tempted him to make up to Madame, still less to betray his master, the Dauphin. This Prince was, to the last degree, weary of the station he held.

They seemed disgusted when I filled water at a small stream near the vessel, slighting their advice to go farther up to the greater brook, where it was "muy rico." But they were all fine fellows, though it was a wonder that they did not all die of rheumatic pains from living on wet ground.

DOÑA MATILDE. No.... .... ¡Válgame Dios, qué desgraciada soy! BRUNO. ¡Desgraciada! ¿Qué dice usted? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy desgraciada, muy desgraciada! BRUNO. Pues señor, ¿qué ha sucedido? acaso su papá de usted....

"But if you'll run in, chica , and throw a pot of coffee together while I attend to the caballo , I'll be a good deal obliged." Besides his marksmanship the Kid had another attribute for which he admired himself greatly. He was muy caballero , as the Mexicans express it, where the ladies were concerned. For them he had always gentle words and consideration.

Algún día les darán la razón esos mismos que ahora se ríen y se encogen de hombros ignorando probablemente la marcha del mundo y la de su propia sociedad, como aquellos que se burlaron de Rizal en su tiempo han lamentado su error muy tarde y le han completamente justificado y vindicado.