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For instance, in the largest series collected with this point in mind, that of Musser and Norris, out of forty-two hundred cases only seventeen per cent gave a history of exposure and "catching cold"; and the smaller series range from ten to fifteen per cent. So that, even in the face of the returns, not more than one-fifth of all cases of pneumonia can reasonably be attributed to chill.

But if Rudolph don't be a scoundtrel and you don't be a fool he vill pretty soon straight' up himself and say, One man can't ever'sing have, and mine Senda she is enough!... Sat vas my Aunt Senda." "Your mother was named for her?" "Yes, my musser, and me; I am name' Senda, se same. She vas a fine voman." "Still," said our joker, "you know she was only about half right in that advice."

Struthers also mentions that Morgagni, Home, Monro, Palmer, Larry, Blasius, Hufeland, and Walther also record instances in which there was contraction in the middle of the stomach, accounting for their instances of duplex stomach. Musser reports an instance of hour-glass contraction of the stomach.

"There, there!" cried Dotty Dimple, "you've been a-listening, Johnny Eastman." "Don't care! 'Tisn't so bad as being a tell-tale, Miss!" said Johnny, ending the sentence in a naughty tone. "Why, Johnny, you mus'n't say that!" "Why, Johnny," echoed Katie, "you musser say that!" "Say what?" "Say Miss." The children all laughed at this. "Come, little ones," said Mr.

The liver was to the left and the spleen and heart to the right etc. Albers, Baron, Beclard, Boyer, Bull, Mackensie, Hutchinson, Hunt, Murray, Dareste, Curran, Duchesne, Musser, Sabatier, Shrady, Vulpian, Wilson, and Wehn are among others reporting instances of transposition and inversion of the viscera.

"No, you musser," persisted Katie; "we've got a Santa Claw in our chimley; you musser go home." "It isn't for Santa Claus at all, darling it is for my papa and mamma's wedding. To stand up, so they can be married over again. Now kiss me, and let me go." "Her's goin' home to Kismus pie," remarked Katie, as she took her mournful way with her mamma to the house where they were visiting.

Me feel 'em fright. Feel 'em cold inside. Too much fright. My word; han' belonga that fella gin cold like anything. That gin say 'Where you from? Me say 'Me come from alonga town. That gin say 'What you look out? Me say 'Me look out bullocky, musser 'em cattle. Tail 'em up. Look out weaner alonga paddick. Plenty hard work. Me dance little bit alonga that gin. Not much. Too fright.

"Don't go so deep agin, Ziffa," said the mother, with a gasp, as she set her little one down on the sand. "No, musser," said the obedient child; and she kept on the landward side of her parent thereafter with demonstrative care.

"Dastardly attempt to win the cause of the working girls by dirty scab leaders and butter-fingered capitalist class," it began, and after this followed a wild jumble of words, words without meaning, sentences without point in which Sam was called a mealy-mouthed mail-order musser and The Skipper was mentioned incidentally as a pusillanimous ink slinger.

Is it all right?" "Yes, sir; yes, sir," said the clerk. And old Watkins slid his hand into his breeches pocket, and it came forth filled with gold and silver. "Come, come, mates, we are bound to 'ave a bet on him for the Chesterfield we can afford it now; what say yer, a shilling each?" "Done for a shilling each," said the under-porter; "finest 'orse in training.... What price, Musser Watkins?"