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They had built no roads. Their towns were rotting under their hands; they had no trade worth the freight of a crazy steamer, and their sovereignty ran almost one musket-shot inland when things were peaceful.

We did not, as has been stated, separate the Egyptians from the other prisoners. There were no Egyptians. Many of the unfortunate creatures composing the smaller division, which was fired on close to the seacoast, at some distance from the other column, succeeded in swimming to some reefs of rocks out of the reach of musket-shot.

Served with the 9th Lancers in Greathead's pursuing column, and was present in the actions of Bolimshuhur and Alighur and battle of Agra where he was dangerously wounded, having received a musket-shot wound and twenty-two sabre cuts.

There were three places on the road, amongst the Cordillera ridges, where, in former wars, a Costa-Rican force, flying before the filibusters, had stopped to barricade, and gathered heart to withstand their pursuers awhile, long enough to bark the surrounding trees with musket-shot, some of them, indeed, amid their topmost branches; for it is a greaser-failing to shoot inordinately high.

There he stood like a statue, supporting himself with his well arm, till the Bronx had passed out of musket-shot range. "Good heavens!" exclaimed the first lieutenant, as he came out from his shelter. "You are wounded again!" "I must give up now, I fear," replied Christy feebly; and then he fainted. He was carried to his stateroom by his officers, and the doctor examined his last wound.

The foresaid ships were of an huge and incredible capacitie and receipt. For the whole Fleete was large ynough to containe the burthen of 60 thousand tunnes. The vpperworke of the said Galeons was of thicknesse and strength sufficient to beare off musket-shot.

La Corne's suggestion found favor at court, and the Governor of Canada was ordered to occupy Crown Point. The Sieur de la Fresniere was sent thither with troops and workmen, and a fort was built, and named Fort Frederic. It contained a massive stone tower, mounted with cannon to command the lake, which is here but a musket-shot wide.

At the very first charge one hundred English horsemen drove the Spanish and Albanian cavalry back upon the musketeers and pikemen. Wheeling with rapidity, they retired before a volley of musket-shot, by which many horses and a few riders were killed; and then formed again to renew the attack.

The prisoner, mounted upon a tall steed, had pressed him very closely; nay, the Eletto's victory was not decided, until a musket-shot had stretched the other's horse on the ground. The knight now carried his arm in a sling. In the centre of his coat of mail and on the shoulder-pieces of his armor, the ensigns armorial of a noble family were embossed.

Their general being taken up, when he was just drowning, and drawing new courage from despair, endeavoured to have heartened up the remainder of those who were about him. But having himself received a musket-shot, he lost all manner of resolution, and made away with only two vessels. The five hundred gentlemen Orobalans were either slain or drowned, with all the Janisaries.