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"Let it be iced then," retorted Rolleston, lying full length on the ground, and staring up at the blue of the sky as seen through the network of leaves. "I always like my 'something' iced." "It's a way you've got," said Madge, with a laugh, as she gave him a glass filled with some sparkling, golden-coloured liquor, with a lump of ice clinking musically against the side of it.

The Little Giant whistled merrily, mostly battle songs of the late war which was still so fresh in the minds of all men. "I notice that you whistle songs of both sides," said Brady. "Musically, at least, you have no feeling about our great Civil War." "Nor any other way, either," rejoined the Little Giant.

"If I have not helped you through these two years we have walked as comrades together, you, at least, have helped me. Helped me so much" she paused a moment, and the level tone of her voice quavered musically "that I cannot lose you; that I need you terribly still." "And I!" he burst forth then. "And I! Can you ever picture to yourself the magnitude of my need of you?"

"Thoughtful as ever," smiled Nasmyth, with a little bow which was respectful as well as friendly. "I needn't ask how you are; the way you walked along the platform was a testimony to our Border air." She laughed, softly and musically. "It is more needful to inquire how you have stood your adventures?" "I believe I'm thinner; but that isn't astonishing, everything considered.

It is true that the themes attached to the characters have the same musical appropriateness as the rest of the music: for example, neither the Valhalla nor the spear themes could, without the most ludicrous incongruity, be used for the forest bird or the unstable, delusive Loki; but for all that the musical characterization must be regarded as independent of the specific themes, since the entire elimination of the thematic system from the score would leave the characters as well distinguished musically as they are at present.

"She sometimes talks sensibly for five minutes at a time, and I have actually caught her singing and playing a sentimental air. Mamma says if she were in love with a man of sense and worth, he might make of her a most invaluable character." "Mr. Regulus, for instance!" said I. Edith laughed most musically. "Mr. Regulus in love! that would be a farce." "I have seen that farce performed," said Dr.

The Duke dressed, and to the Hummums he then took his way. As he was leaving the yard, he was followed by an ostler, who, in a voice musically hoarse, thus addressed him: 'Have you seen missis, sir? 'Do you mean me? No, I have not seen your missis; and the Duke proceeded. 'Sir, sir, said the ostler, running after him, 'I think you said you had not seen missis?

"What is her name?" asked Isabel, paying for a bead pincushion. "Daisy Smith," said her mother, in distressingly good English. "But her Indian name?" "She has none," answered the woman, who told Basil that her village numbered five hundred people, and that they were Protestants. While they talked they were joined by an Indian, whom the women saluted musically in their native tongue.

But late some afternoon, when the sun is lifting along the trunks of the hardwood forest, if you are very lucky and very quiet, you will hear him far in the depth of the blackest swamps. Musically expressed, his song is very much like that of the wood thrush three cadenced liquid notes, a quivering pause, then three more notes of another phrase, and so on.

"You were born," added Madame de Thianges, "to work at the education of kings. It is true that few governesses or tutors are as amiable. There is a sound in your voice which goes straight to the heart; and what others teach rudely or monotonously, you teach musically and almost singing. Since the Queen loves your French and your Spanish, everything has been said; you are indispensable to her.