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True enough they were, for I had entered a large pinery where fruits were ripening and others coming on in the most beautiful manner, while what struck me most was the perfection and neatness of all the place. Then I found myself in another grape-house where the vines bore oval white grapes, with a label to tell that they were Muscats.

There is no want of fruit round Tetuan: May sees pomegranates, apricots, peaches, figs, prickly pears, in due course; September brings the grape season; acres upon acres of gardens are covered with green muscats ripening on the dry ground, and protected from the sun by branches strewn over the plants. West of the city, upon which side we rode in, there are fewer orchards and more fields.

"Heart of my heart," I said, "Stag Eyes, it is now late, and there are no such grapes to be had in our part of the city only the tasteless white grapes that are packed with sawdust into barrels but in the morning I will go uptown and you shall have your White Muscats of Alexandria."

"'Pears to me ye might sell off that vineyard, an' buy a strip t' other side of ye, an' set out muscats." "I couldn't sell that vineyard," said Eben. He had laid down his axe, and was wiping his forehead nervously with an old silk handkerchief. "Oh, I reckon ye could," said Parker easily; "ye got the whole place pretty reasonable." The little man's bearded mouth twitched.

It was impossible to believe they could ever rot there was a kind of joyous frostiness we went in and asked a little man what kind of grapes they were, and he answered like a phonograph, without looking or showing politeness: 'Black Hamburgs and White Muscats of Alexandria' your old Sienkiewicz never said anything as beautiful as that, 'White Muscats of Alexandria " "Dear little heart," I said.

Splendid muscats, we were told, our vines would produce: branches are spread over them in the summer as a slight protection from the sun, but the grapes are left on the ground and often soiled; nor has a Moor the slightest idea of picking them, or of preserving their bloom. Besides the vines, there were fruit-trees in Jinan Dolero.

The Muscats are extremely well set, and some of the bunches will weigh fully three pounds. The Black Hamburghs look quite as well; but the finest show of fruit is on the Esperione. The large number of bunches is owing to the manner of planting; so many could hardly be taken the third season from a house planted in the ordinary way.

I begged for them, and wept, and told him how my mother was sick and my father had gone 'way uptown to get the grapes for her because there were none such to be had in our neighborhood. And, please, he must give them back because they were White Muscats of Alexandria, very precious, and my father would kill me. But the young man only laughed until I began to make a real uproar.