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But fuss, do, fo' yer axes fur furgibness, yer mus' turn yer min's ter repintunce. Now I ax you chil'en dis, Is you sorry dat you runned off? an' is you 'pentin' uv wadin' in de ditch?" Uncle Rob spoke very slowly and solemnly, and in a deep tone; and Diddie, feeling very much as if she had been guilty of murder, replied, "Yes, I am truly sorry, Uncle Bob."

"When dey was partin', he says, says he, `Mis'r Amstrung, you mus' promise me not to 'tempt to meet my darter before leaving. I know'd, by de long silence and den by de way he speak dat Massa Lawrence no like dat, but at last he says, says he, `Well, kurnel, I do promise dat I'll make no 'tempt to meet wid her, an' den he hoed away. Now, Quashy, what you t'ink ob all dat?"

"Doubtless," replied Madame, arranging a napkin carefully over her fichu, and dealing rigorously with some mayonnaise sauce. "It has been our perpetual companion for many years, mus amicus humano generi." Sir Tiglath swelled, and Mrs. Merillia responded, "I see, a pet. Is it white?" "No, ma'am," returned Mr. Sagittarius, "it is a rich, chocolate brown except on wet days.

Ob co'se, dey's got ter hev wuk in de crop, but you mus' member dat when de 'lection comes off de crap's all laid by, an' der ain't no mo' pressin' need fer wuk fer months ter come. Now, how's we gwine ter lib during dat time? Whar's we gwine ter lib? De white folks kin stan' it dey's got all dey wants but we can't. Now, what's we gwine ter do?

Flattened in a shadowed niche of the wall beside him was Maku! "Hello!" the Japanese said again. "Well?" exclaimed Orme sharply, trying to make the best of the situation. "You mus' not follow me." The Japanese spoke impassively. "Follow you?" "I saw you in a mirror at the other end of car." So that was it!

"I 'spect dey's as tired as a fish mus' be of de water," said Maria. She had a fine specimen under her hand at the moment, which I suppose suggested the figure. "Then why do they not come as usual, Maria? there were only a few last night." "Dere was so few, it was lonesome," said Maria. "Then what is the reason?" "Dere is more reasons for t'ings, den Maria can make out," she said thoughtfully.

Billy was still sitting by the fire when the boy burst into the room; but he had fallen asleep, and his clay pipe had dropped from his fingers and lay broken on the hearth. "Uncle Billy! oh, Uncle Billy! what do you think?" "Why, Ralph, lad, is that yo'? I mus' 'a' been asleep. Whaur ye been, eh?" "W'y don't you 'member? I went to Lawyer Sharpman's office." "True for ye, so ye did.

I told her I could not, as I must return the next day with my two daughters. "Is dey heah?" "They were sitting by my side," said I; "those two girls dressed in white are my daughters." "Sweet creturs! de little angels; I mus' go see 'em. I's got two gals here, too, an' I'll bring 'em to see you."

"I want to, but oh, I can't, I can't," she wailed. "Please go now, Be'y, befo' he gits home. He 's mad anyhow, 'cause you 're out." Berry looked at her hard, and then said in a dry voice, "An' so I got to go an' leave you to him?" "Yes, you mus'; I 'm his'n now."

"Go forward, Cyd, and keep a sharp lookout ahead," said Dandy, as soon as the "crew" was comfortably seated on the cushion. "Gossifus! I suppose I'se a nigger still," said he. "Dis chile tinks he's jes as good's any body now." "You are, Cyd." "Den I mus squat on de hard deck, and you sets on de cushions."