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Albert uz just goun' tull bed an' hoz one shoe off when the munuster arrives. "'Come wuth me, the pair o' ye, says he, breathless-like. 'What for, an' me dead weary an' goun' tull bed? says Albert. 'Yull be lawful married, says the munuster.

An' ot the door dudna her Aunt Fannie, her mother's suster, turn an' say loud for all tull hear: 'What for wull she be wantun' tull murder the wee thing? The munuster heard fine, an' dudna like ut, but, oz he told my Larry afterward, what could he do? Ut was the woman's wush, an' there was no law again' a mother callun' her child accordun' tull her wush. "An' then was there no the third Samuel?

'I dud an' I dudna, says he. An' wuth thot he tells them the whole upshot, an' Albert puts on hus shoe, an' they go wuth the munuster an' are married proper an' lawful, an' oz Albert Mahan says afterward mony's the time, ''Tus no every mon thot hoz two weddun' nights on Island McGill." Six months later Eddie Troy came home and was promptly remarried.

The munuster held them up oz models tull pottern after. Nor was ever a whusper breathed again' the girls." "But why is she left alone now in her old age?" I persisted. "Why don't her own flesh and blood look after her? Why does she live alone? Don't they ever go to see her or care for her?" "Never a one un twenty years an' more now. She fetched ut on tull herself.

Dudna her neighbours' an' all kuth an' kun savun' them thot luv'd un the house wuth her, get up an' walk out ot the christenun' of the second hum thot was cooked? Thot they dud, an' ot the very moment the munuster asked what would the bairn's name be. 'Samuel, says she; an' wuth thot they got up an' walked out an' left the house.

This was overcome by prompt registration; but the marriages were not to be so easily remedied. The three sailor husbands were away, and their wives, in short, were not their wives. "But the munuster was no for alarmin' the bodies," said Clara. "He kept hus council an' bided hus time, waitun' for the lods tull be back from sea.

Albert looks black an' says, 'Now, munuster, ye wull be jokun', but tull humself, oz I've heard hum tell mony a time, he uz wonderun' thot the munuster should a- took tull whusky ot hus time o' life. "'We be no married? says Minnie. He shook his head. 'An' I om no Mussus Mahan? 'No, says he, 'ye are no Mussus Mahan. Ye are plain Muss Duncan. 'But ye married 'us yoursel', says she.

Oz luck would have ut, he was away across the island tull a christenun' when Albert Mahan arrives home onexpected, hus shup just docked ot Dublin. Ut's nine o'clock ot night when the munuster, un hus sluppers an' dressun'-gown, gets the news. Up he jumps an' calls for horse an' saddle, an' awa' he goes like the wund for Albert Mahan's.