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Another aspect of this feeling shows itself in a letter to one of his brothers-in-law, Mr. George Moulton-Barrett, in reference to his wife's monument, with which Mr. Barrett had professed himself pleased. His tone is characterized by an almost religious reverence for the memory which that monument enshrines.

Browning's brother-in-law, Mr. George Moulton-Barrett. Asolo, Veneto: Oct. 22, '89. My dear George, It was a great pleasure to get your kind letter; though after some delay.

A general quickening of affectionate impulse seemed part of this last leap in the socket of the dying flame. Proposed Purchase of Land at Asolo Venice Letter to Mr. G. Moulton-Barrett Lines in the 'Athenaeum' Letter to Miss Keep Illness Death Funeral Ceremonial at Venice Publication of 'Asolando' Interment in Poets' Corner. He had said in writing to Mrs.

* Properly E. Barrett Moulton-Barrett. The first of these surnames was that originally borne by the family, but dropped on the annexation of the second. It has now for some years been resumed. There is no cause for surprize in the passionate admiration with which Miss Barrett so instantly inspired him. To begin with, he was heart-whole.

George Moulton-Barrett, was prepared by Mr. Williams' great love for his poems, of which he translated many into Latin and Greek; but I am convinced that Mr. Browning's delight in his friend's classical attainments was quite as great as his gratification in the tribute he himself derived from them. His love of genius was a worship: and in this we must include his whole life.