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I unslung my gun and loosened my revolvers in their fringed holsters, but Big Pete only shrugged his shoulders and said, “Come, let’s be moseying. ’Taint nothin’ but wolves.” A fact of which I was as well aware of as Pete, but I, tenderfoot that I was, could not treat howling of wolves with the same unconcern as did my guide.

I sent her there this afternoon while I went after a woman to stay with the child, and have just this minute heard that Grandma Cole sprained her ankle on the way there and had to crawl back home again. Mrs. Fisher, the big idiot, is moseying up the road now, well satisfied with her bargains. I passed her and her tribe a piece back and stopped long enough to tell her what I thought of her.

Their minds were fully made up to invite the intruder to "shinny on his own side," and not come "moseying" around the camp, when the canoeist beached his bow and sprang lightly ashore.

The other pushed the gaily-ribboned hat to the back of his head and drew a pale lavender handkerchief across his forehead. "Been moseying around over there in the woods," he continued when Clint had murmured agreement. "Studying Nature in her manifold moods. Nature is some warm today. There's a sort of a breeze here, though, isn't there?"

"Men are scarce right now," she answered. "A good cattle-hand is as hard to locate as a dodo bird. You could get a job anywhere if you're worth your salt." "I was thinking," said Packard, "of moseying on to Ranch Number Ten. There's a man I used to know Bill Royce, his name is. Foreman, isn't he?" "So you know Bill Royce?" countered Terry. "Well, that's something in your favor. He's a good scout."

"I don't brag on my biscuits, chief, but they eat, if a man is hungry enough. An' the milk's all right. I suppose you've come to see why I ain't moseying back over the divide?" The chief, after a long pause, began to speak in a low, slow voice, as if choosing his words.

He did say something about a mahogany tree close by, that grew up with two outstretched branches like a cross and then turned to stone, but I'm not letting my peons loaf on the job while I go moseying around looking for it." "It's a great little ranch you have here." Thode turned in his chair to survey the close-packed avenues of low-hanging trees. "Any oil on your land, Mr. Hallock?" "Not here.

Now, the day they arrive, you might be moseying about the railroad station, borrow her for an hour, and personally conduct her to the palace. The late lamented King's royal authority contained no stipulation about the missing child being returned in a state of single blessedness, therefore the reward is yours. Add that up, and see if it doesn't spell Eureka!"

But Howard saw it, and before the professor's unshaken positiveness could pour itself forth in a forensic flood the rancher cut the whole matter short by saying crisply: 'I know. And it's up to you. I've shot my volley to give you the right slant and you can play out your string your own way. Right now we'd better be moseying on; the sun's climbing, partner.

Kyle used to put vinegar in his coffee and things like that, and if you'd ask him, 'What's that fellow's name that runs the clothing store in town? he'd come out of his trance and say 'Yes, and smile very amiable, to show that he thoroughly admitted you were right. "Well, things went as smooth and easy as bob-sledding until it came time for Loys to be moseying back to college again.