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The face and form were those of a beautiful youth, the eyes were deep and brilliant, and the expression of the features was one of fine serenity and kindliness. Morgana gazed and gazed, bending herself towards her wonderful visitor with all her soul in her eyes, when suddenly the vision, if so it might be called, paled and vanished. She uttered a little cry.

"Then it seems that your majesty has followed a fata morgana," said the prince, with a forced smile; "for, as you see, I am alone, and no one else is present in the conservatory." But even while speaking, the prince glanced involuntarily toward the grotto which concealed his secret. The Queen Sophia Dorothea caught this glance, and divined its meaning.

Complete rest, nourishment and your care are all that this patient needs. She will be quite herself in a very short time. She is extraordinarily beautiful!" "I wish you could see her eyes!" said Morgana.

Lady Kingswood took the roses with a smile, touching Morgana's cheek playfully with one of the paler pink buds. "A talk by all means!" she replied "How can I be tired, dear child? I'm a lazy old woman, doing nothing all day but enjoy myself!" Morgana nodded her golden head approvingly. "That's right! I'm glad!" she said. "That's what I want you to do!

The group in the loggia seemed for the moment mesmerised by the priest's suave calm voice, steady eyes and noble expression, A bell rang slowly and sweetly a call to prayer in some not far distant monastery, and the first glimmer of the stars began to sparkle faintly in the darkening heavens. A little sigh from Morgana stirred the stillness.

Morgana lifted her sea-blue eyes and looked with grave appeal into the severely intellectual, half-frowning face of the great Professor. "Is there no hope of an ultimate recovery?" she asked "With time and rest and the best of unceasing care, might not this poor brain right itself?"

And somehow I do not think she will marry." At that moment Morgana came slowly up the steps cut in the grass bordered on either side by flowers, and approached her. "Here are some roses for you, dear 'Duchess!" she said, "Duchess" being the familiar or "pet" name she elected to call her by. "Specially selected, I assure you! Are you tired? or may I have a talk?"

Morgana always being the kindest of patrons to Lady Kingswood, and discoursing feminine commonplaces with her as though there were no other subjects of conversation in the world than embroidery and specific cures for rheumatism.

I've seen her again many times since then, but not with quite the same impression." "She is alive still?" "Oh, yes! I often fancy she will never die!" There was a silence of some minutes. Morgana rose, and crossing over to the old well, studied the crimson passion-flowers which twined about it, with almost loving scrutiny.

"The 'beyond' calls to me from the monastery," he said, smiling "I have been too long absent. Will you walk with me, Giulio?" "Willingly!" and the Marchese bowed over Lady Kingswood's hand as he bade her "Good night." "I will accompany you both to the gate," said Morgana, suddenly "and then when you are both gone I shall wander a little by myself in the light of the moon!"