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By some effort the football crowd was kept off the train. Soon after the second section of the train was sighted as it rolled toward the station. "Team assemble!" roared Captain Wadleigh. There was a rush of husky, mop-headed youths in his direction. Just then a hand rested on Dick's arm. "Let me speak with you, just a moment Prescott."

It sha'n't occur again." "You'll go to your room for three days when we get back on board." "Ay, ay, sir." "I decided that before I left the ship. I can't have my officers staying away from duty without leave on any excuse. And if they have such low tastes as to bring themselves on the level of common mop-headed portrait painters and photographers, they must pay for it." "Ay, ay, sir."

Today, for the first time, she revealed something of her woes. There was that about the mop-headed young man which invited confidences. She told him of the stony-heartedness of music-publishers, of the difficulty of getting songs printed unless you paid for them, of their wretched sales. 'But those songs you've been playing, said Beverley, 'they've been published? 'Yes, those three.

But the next Instant the stable door flew open, and four figures, two mop-headed little girls in abbreviated skirts, a small, red-headed toddler, and a queer, limping boy, the fleetest of all, were precipitated into the yard. They flung themselves over the fence and went, shrieking, away across the field. Mrs. Munn drew a great breath; there was relief in it, and yet terror.

"What!" exclaimed Kingozi sharply. "Why did you not start men for them when you first awakened?" She smiled at him ruefully. "I tried. But they said they were very tired from yesterday. They would not go." "Simba!" called Kingozi. "Suh!" "Bring the headman of Bibi-ya-chui. Is he that mop-headed blighter?" he asked her. "Who? Oh, the Nubian, Chake. No; he is just a faithful creature near myself.

Their characteristics have already been given in this work, as seen at intermediate points between Cape Possession and Coral Haven; they agree in being a lighter-coloured people than the preceding, and more advanced in civilisation: mop-headed, practising betel-chewing, and wearing the breech-cloth.

As I look at a tintype of myself taken at about this time, I can hardly detect the physical relationship between that mop-headed, long-lipped lad, and the gray-haired man of today.

That was attended to by a snuffy and mop-headed, inconceivably dirty, and weirdly toothless Dutch ship-keeper, who could hardly speak three words of English, but who must have had some considerable knowledge of the language, since he managed invariably to interpret in the contrary sense everything that was said to him.

In appearance they were little better than savages; children even of ten years of age, lean, mop-headed creatures, were to be seen running about absolutely naked. As Mark Twain said, "they wore nothing but a smile," but the smile was a grimace to try to extract coppers from the traveller.

We were in hopes that they were going to leave us behind, but they had no such intentions; and as soon as the boats were in the water, their mop-headed chief made signs to us to go on board an order we obeyed with as good a grace as we could command. The canoes paddled on the whole of the next day, the coast scenery being very similar to what we had previously passed.