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In that age some men had such an enthusiastic predilection to antiquity that they were animated by an ardent zeal for collecting ancient manuscripts, medals, inscriptions, statues, monumental fragments, and other ancient and classical remains.

"A monumental farce." Ex-Governor Broadbent. "Who is Mr. Crewe?" Senator Whitredge. "I have been very busy. I do not know what candidates are in the field." Mr. Augustus P. Flint, president of the Northeastern Railroads. "I have heard that a Mr. Crewe is a candidate, but I do not know much about him. They tell me he is a summer resident at Leith." The Honourable Hilary Vane.

It was at once monumental and fluid, indestructible like the articles of the Creed itself, inspired like the text, which the Holy Spirit dictated, in their last meeting, to the united apostles of Christ. At St.

Charlotte, half way up the "monumental" staircase, had begun by waiting alone waiting to be rejoined by her companion, who had gone down all the way, as in common kindness bound, and who, his duty performed, would know where to find her.

He strode across the Grande Rue with rapid steps and soon was in the midst of the tumult and uproar of the city; there he hailed a small boy, who conducted him to the Rue Maqua. There it was that in the last century a grand-uncle of the present Delaherche had built the monumental structure that had remained in the family a hundred and sixty years.

"Only speak, speak, I shall understand, I shall understand in myself!" she kept begging him. "You'll understand? Very well, we shall see!" He paused and was for some time lost in meditation. Well, would he have brought himself to that if there had been no other means? Wouldn't he have felt a pang at its being so far from monumental and... and sinful, too?

Near by is the village of Bottisford, whose remarkable church has been the burial place of the Manners family for five hundred years and contains some of the most complete monumental effigies in England. These escaped the wrath of the Cromwellians, for the Earl of Manners was an adherent of the Protector.

When the people allowed Napoleon to rise to power, it created with him a splendid and monumental state of things; it was proud of his grandeur; and it nobly gave its blood and sweat in building up the edifice of the Empire.

I never was asked to pay freight, and to this day cannot explain why, except that I was so small and industrious, and the nerve to appropriate a U. S. mail-car to do a free freight business was so monumental. However, I kept this up for a long time, and in addition bought butter from the farmers along the line, and an immense amount of blackberries in the season.

Even Kitty Collins has caught the contagious gloom, as I perceive when she brings in the coffee-urn a solemn and sculpturesque urn at any time, but monumental now and sets it down in front of Miss Abigail. Miss Abigail gazes at the urn as if it held the ashes of her ancestors, instead of a generous quantity of fine old Java coffee. The meal progresses in silence.