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The emperor, in great alarm, sent embassadors to Monomaque with the most precious presents. There was a cornelian exquisitely cut and set, a golden chain and necklace, a crown of gold, and, most precious of all, a crucifix made of wood of the true cross!

A luxurious feast was given to the princes, and, for three days, all the poor of the city were entertained at the expense of the public treasure. Monomaque now fitted out sundry expeditions under his enterprising son to extend the territories of Russia and to bring tumultuous tribes and nations into subjection and order.

Igor was fully conscious of the perils he thus inherited. He was very unpopular with the inhabitants of Kief, and loud murmurs greeted his accession to power. A conspiracy was formed among the most influential inhabitants of Kief, and a secret embassage was sent to the grand prince, Ysiaslaf, a descendant of Monomaque, inviting him to come, and with their aid, take possession of the throne.

Innumerable assailants would immediately fall upon him, putting to the most imminent peril not only the crown, but the head which wore it. By the Russian custom of descent, the crown incontestably belonged to the oldest son of Sviatoslaf, and Monomaque, out of regard to his rights, declined the proffered gift. This refusal was accompanied by the most melancholy results.

Gleb himself in this foray was taken prisoner, conducted to Kief, and detained there a captive until he died. Monomaque reigned thirteen years, during which time he was incessantly engaged in wars with the audacious nobles of the provinces who refused to recognize his supremacy, and many of whom were equal to him in power.

It was the ambition of his nephews, ambitious, energetic, unprincipled princes, struggling for the supremacy, which was mainly the cause of all these disasters. YEARS OF WAR AND WOE. From 1092 to 1167. Character of Vsevolod. Succession of Sviatopolk. His Discomfiture. Deplorable Condition of Russia. Death of Sviatopolk. His Character. Accession of Monomaque. Curious Festival at Kief.

Energy of Monomaque. Alarm of the Emperor at Constantinople. Horrors of War. Death of Monomaque. His Remarkable Character. Pious Letter to his Children. Accession of Mstislaf. His Short but Stormy Reign. Struggles for the Throne. Final Victory of Ysiaslaf. Moscow in the Province of Souzdal. Death of Ysiaslaf. Wonderful Career of Rostislaf. Rising Power of Moscow. Georgievitch, Prince of Moscow.

The citizens of Kief met in solemn and anxious assembly, and offered the crown to an illustrious noble, Monomaque, a brother of Sviatopolk, and a man who had acquired renown in many enterprises of most desperate daring. In truth it required energy and courage of no ordinary character for a man at that time to accept the crown.

A terrible tumult broke out in the city. There was no arm of law sufficiently powerful to restrain the mob, and anarchy, with all its desolation, reigned for a time triumphant. A deputation of the most influential citizens of Kief was immediately sent to Monomaque, with the most earnest entreaty that he would hasten to rescue them and their city from the impending ruin.

Sviatopolk II. was driven to the humiliation of appearing to defend himself from accusation before the tribunal of his vassal princes. Monomaque and Mstislaf I., with imperial energy, brought all the vassal princes in subjection to their scepter, and reigned as monarchs.