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The next few moments were ones of intense excitement; but before ten minutes had elapsed the Squire was lying in the middle of the hard bed, gazing round him with twinkling eyes and a smile on his lips. The appearance of Hannah Croneen, with a dish of steaming potatoes and a piece of boiled bacon, was the final crown to his rapture.

"Well, sir, you've got to eat anyhow; we gave you twenty-five cents a few moments ago to eat with, and, dang you, you have got to eat, and eat twenty-five cents' worth, too, or be kicked out of town. Which do you prefer?" He thought he'd rather eat.

The pride and trust of the nation in its Navy so strangely mingled with moments of neglect, caused by a particularly thick-headed idealism, is perfectly justified.

After some moments, he shook his head; "I cannot describe the place," said he, "for the wood is so thick: yet I know the exact spot so well, that were I in any part of the plantation, I could point it out immediately." I told him to pause again, and recollect himself; and, at all events, to try to indicate the place.

He did not hear the man's ejaculation of surprise as his eyes fell on the face of the master who stood before him with hair white as snow so utterly changed in one short hour. "You couldn't possibly make the next train, sir; it leaves in a few moments." "I tell you you must make it!" cried Basil Hurlhurst. "Go and do as I bid you at once!

One cause of this excess of joyful feeling must be from the contrast; else it were dreadful to be so happy." "Mother, I don't know what you mean," said Traverse uneasily, for he was too young to understand these paradoxes of feeling and thought, and there were moments when he feared for his mother's reason.

The clergyman bent his head a few moments in secret prayer, drew the book toward him, opened it, found his text and placed the marker carefully between the pages. He coughed slightly and with an extra effort raised his eyes to his congregation.

Avery did not take any notice for a few moments, but as the strains died-away over the glassy water, she leaned towards the child. "My darling, what is it?" she whispered tenderly. Jeanie's hand found its way into hers. "Oh, don't you ever want Piers?" she murmured wistfully. "I do!"

The moments he had spent in hiding behind one pedestal had evidently failed to suggest that another man might have been in hiding behind the other." "I am not surprised. Coincidences of this astonishing kind are not often met with even by us," was the Inspector's dry retort.

Because if you don't know," he proceeded, laughing, "I think I could tell you." "Well," replied Mary, "let me hear it. Where is it, Mr. Reilly?" "Why," he replied, "just at the point of your own nose, Mary, and you must admit it is not a very long one; pure Milesian, Mary; a good deal of the saddle in its shape." The woman stood and looked at him for a few moments.