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1. For medieval Venice see F.C. Hodgson: The Early History of Venice from the Foundation to the Conquest of Constantinople ; and Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, A Sketch of Venetian History, 1204-1400 . P.G. Molmenti: Venice, its Growth to the Fall of the Republic, vols. I and II (The Middle Ages), trans. H.F. Brown ; and La Vie Privée

H. M. Vernon, Italy from 1494 to 1790 , a clear account in the "Cambridge Historical Series"; J. A. Symonds, Age of the Despots , pleasant but inclined to the picturesque; Pompeo Molmenti, Venice, its Individual Growth from the Earliest Beginnings to the Fall of the Republic, trans. by H. F. Brown, 6 vols.

But I shall not be wrong if I say that the finest jewel of all is herself my dear and most excellent Madonna, whose gracious ways and charming manners filled all the people of Venice with the utmost delight and enthusiasm, so that your Highness may well count himself what he is the happiest and most fortunate prince in the whole world." Motta e Molmenti, op. cit.

This sonnet to Goldoni also deserves to be more widely known, both for itself and for the manner of its production. Mr. Browning had forgotten, or not understood, how soon the promise concerning it must be fulfilled, and it was actually scribbled off while a messenger, sent by Signor Molmenti, waited for it.

The following is the only existing document in Giorgione's own handwriting. It was published by Molmenti in the Bollettino delle Arti, anno ii. No. 2, and reprinted by Conti, p. 50:

The ceremonies of the occasion were to include the appearance of a volume or album of appropriate poems; and Cavaliere Molmenti, its intending editor, a leading member of the 'Erection Committee', begged Mr. Browning to contribute to it. It was also desired that he should be present at the unveiling.* He was unable to grant this request, but consented to write a poem.

As she wrote in her joyous letters to her husband, there was nothing lacking that could charm the eyes or please the mind, and the courtesy and hospitality of the venerable old Doge and of the Venetian Signory left nothing to be desired. Luzio-Renier, op. cit., p. 376. Molmenti, op. cit., p. 693.

Pupil of Iavurek, of Prague, in the beginning of her studies, but her father dying and her mother marrying again, she was taken to Venice, where she studied in the Academy several years under Grigoletti, Moja, Bresolin, Nani, and Molmenti.

In the latter instance Messrs Ludwig and Molmenti are still of opinion that the picture is the work of Giovanni. Another, a later work, A Warrior Adoring the Infant Christ was similarly ascribed to Giorgione.

But the best account we have of Beatrice's visit to Venice is contained in four of her own letters addressed to her husband, which have been preserved in the archives of Milan. They were originally published twenty years ago by Molmenti, who, however, omitted some portions which are given here, and transcribed some of the dates incorrectly.