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"The colour of molasses taffy when you've pulled it," said Billy; "but all fluffy and wonderful, with star-dust in it. Her eyes were brown, and her cheeks pink and cream." "She had two rows of pearly white teeth, that flashed at you when she smiled?" "She didn't smile, unfortunately." "Then her brown eyes gazed at you, wide open, full of wonder?"

Do you remember ever doin' it?" "Why, no," Casey admitted, "now you speak of it, I don't. And I do remember rubbering into dozens of old wikiups one place and another." "Sure," said the sheriff. "Human nature again. Anything that's made by a man and left behind will draw another man like molasses will a fly. I never knew a man yet that wouldn't nose around an old camping spot.

She made him hot tea, and put on the table for him some grouse stew, molasses, and bread and butter, all the time imploring him to sit down and warm himself. But George was too excited to sit down. Up and down he paced, the melting ice on his rags making tiny rivulets on his hostess's spotless floor.

The captain has ordered 500 lbs. of beef and a quantity of potatoes, but these latter are scarce; he offers in exchange flour, soap, molasses, and calico. Wednesday, December 4. We were asked to tea today to the Sam Swain's to meet the visitor and were to choose our own hour, so we settled upon four, there being a service at five.

The jurymen looked at each other with a significant and approving air, which could be translated as accidental death. Gabriel touched the merchant upon the shoulder, "You should have said to him, that you merely wished to kill a mosquito upon the wall." "Capital idea," cried the defendant. "I be damned if it was not a mosquito eating my molasses that I wished to kill, after all."

"With the dollar you lent me, I bought the molasses to make the first lot of candy I sold. Your dollar has done a great deal of good." "I am glad it has; but I don't want to take it." "Won't you let me feel like myself?" "Certainly I will," laughed Grace. "Then let me pay my debts, and not feel just like a beggar." "You are the queerest child I ever saw!" exclaimed Grace, as she took the dollar.

"Whoop! see it drop right over the old rooster would you?" yelled Bandy-legs; "pull as quick as you can, Toby! Aw! you're slow as molasses in winter, and it just slipped over his back. And now he's running under the bridge, and you won't have fricasseed chicken for supper to-night, as you expected." "B-b-but you all saw how I d-d-dropped the n-n-noose right over him, didn't you?

More flies can be caught with molasses than vinegar, you know." "I shall have little patience with her," declared her lover. "I detested her the first instant my eyes rested upon her, and I am positive the feeling will grow upon me with every passing hour, instead of diminishing." "It is easy enough to guess the reason for that," laughed the other.

Going beyond reach of shot from the shore, the Dutch cast anchor off the mouth of the haven, where they remained till the 25th of July, expecting to capture some Spanish ships, but all that appeared made their escape by superior sailing, except one bark laden with salt and eighty jars of molasses.

"She always has a lot in a jar, and they taste awful good. I'll be back in a minute." Away he ran to the house which was surrounded by the great, high hedge, and soon he came back with both hands and his pockets filled with sugar and molasses cookies. "I brought two kinds," he said, "'cause I thought some of you would want one kind, and I might want both kinds."