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"Ven I efer t'ink my liperty cost me two huntret tollaire and I haf not got him. Zis blow kill all zat is to me of my self-respect! Je suis hors de moi-même!" "Why, you orter be able to raise dat much tin," said the guard. Tulitz jumped from his bed to the floor with a cry such as a wild beast might have given as it sprang from peril into safety.

How can an author claim, under such circumstances, to remain the absolute master of his work?" The term "subsidiary characters" to some extent explains the attitude of the actress. It is a suggestion of the famous "moi-même et quelques poupées" which exhibits the clash of ideas that forms the basis of the ineradicable antagonism between the original author and the actor.

Je dis ceci pour avertir que les habitans de cette ville sont gens méchants qui n'entendent pas trop raison, et que par conséquent il faut bien se garder d'avoir querrelle avec eux. Il en est de même ailleurs. J'ai éprouvé par moi-même qu'il ne faut vis-

Athens has quietened down after the political violence of the restoration of Constantine. One sees pictures of the King everywhere a cavalry officer with high Greek military hat, bushy moustaches, and rather horse-like face. He has large strained eyes with a questioning, impatient expression. All these pictures were hidden during the King's exile, but on his return came forth to light again. Common also are posters of Constantine as St. George, and the Venizelist administration as a three-headed dragon of which Venizelos is the chief and certainly most loathly head. Venizelos has become violently distasteful to the people though possibly he may return to power by as violent a reaction. The chief reason for his fall was that he offended Greek national pride by being the puppet of the Allies. The revolution which he accomplished at the instigation of the French was highly resented. And all the mortification of the French contempt for Greece was vented upon him. Although Greece won such a goodly share of the booty of the war, she was treated throughout the war with a brutal nonchalance. Venizelos had much respect, but Greece had none. A comparison is often made between the machinations of the Allies in Petrograd in 1917 for the deposing of the Tsar, and the intrigues which forced Constantine to flee. Venizelos nevertheless was one of the cleverest statesmen of Europe granted one can be clever and not wise at the same time clever and even stupid, his chief weakness being a crude violence of temperament which breaks out in his speeches: On vient de vous dire, s'écria-t-il, qu'il n'y avait pas de germanophiles an Grèce. Cela est vrai pour le peuple, pour les homines politiques de tous les partis en grande majorité. Moi-même je viens de l'attester

But Nadaud, like Cyrano de Bergerac, if asked what gave him most delectation, would certainly have replied "Lorsque j'ai fait un vers et que je l'aime, Je me paye en me le chantant a moi-meme." Here is the boy's daily programme when a twelve-year-old student at the College Rollin, Paris.

A French Lady who came with us from Liège had seen some and expressed her utter surprise, and as if she was speaking to one who doubted the fact, she repeated, "C'est vrai! actuellement rien qu'un petit Jupon mais comment!" and then she lifted her eyes and hands and reiterated, "petit jupon et comment," concluding, as if she almost doubted the evidence of her own senses, "Je les ai vus moi-même."