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A noble statue Bartolommeo Colleoni Verrocchio A Dominican church Mocenigo Doges The tortured Bragadino The Valier monument Leonardo Loredano Sebastian Venier The Chapel of the Rosary Sansovino An American eulogy Michele Steno Tommaso Mocenigo A brave re-builder The Scuola di S. Marco.

Although the people of Venice began to lose the spirit which made her great, she still numbered among her citizens some noble souls: Morosini, Grimani, and Mocenigo struggled several years against the Turks, who derived great advantages from their numerical superiority and the possession of Canea.

Still, it was just possible that Mocenigo might himself like to see his vengeance carried out, and it was therefore worth my while guarding against it. But, as you see, it will be necessary for me to be back sometime before morning." "At any rate, Francisco, you had better wait here until morning breaks.

"Very true; the inventor of that essence wears a crown; it is the King of France; his majesty made a pound of it, which cost him thirty thousand crowns." "Mine was a gift presented to my lover, and he gave it to me:" "Madame de Pompadour sent a small phial of it to M. de Mocenigo, the Venetian ambassador in Paris, through M. de B , now French ambassador here." "Do you know him?"

She had met him again that evening, at a ball given by Admiral Mocenigo to the foreign princes. Many a handsome, gay gallant was there; but the handsomest and most admired of them all was Max Emmanuel of Bavaria. His dress, too, was magnificent in the extreme. It was so covered with diamonds that it was like a dazzling sea of light.

"How does he know?" sneered Mocenigo. "He has never seen her. Besides, why should he care, since she is rich?" "You are mistaken, for I have seen her," said Contarini, looking down the table. "She is not at all ill-looking, I assure you. The old man was so much afraid that I would not agree to the match that he took her to church so that I might look at her." "And you did?" asked Mocenigo.

I wonder I never thought of it before; but I made so sure that they would be taken somewhere close to where Mocenigo was staying, that it never occurred to me that they might hide them out there.

Then you can stay at Madrid as long as you please; and, indeed, Mocenigo will be leaving in the course of a week." From that moment I made up my mind to amuse myself without any thought of obtaining a position in Spain.

To think that only yesterday evening we were laughing and chatting with them, and that now they are lost, and in the power of that villain Mocenigo, who you may be sure is at the bottom of it. "By the way," he said suddenly, "do you know where he has taken up his abode?" "I heard that he was at Botonda, near Chioggia, a week ago, but whether he is there still I have not the least idea."

"Are they fierce?" he asked after a thoughtful pause. And then I explained that a thousand times as many men are killed by horses every year as by lions. Four hundred years have made no change in the style of gondolas, or anything else in Venice. The prow of the Venetian gondola made today is of the same height as that prescribed by Tommaso Mocenigo, Doge in the year Fourteen Hundred.