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The news flew around as fast as distance would permit; and by nine o'clock the whole neighborhood were together with throbbing hearts and anxious looks. "I fetched my horn and cow-bell," said Mr. Waldron; "I made a noise on the way. Horns will scare off painters, and wolves don't like tootin' or clatter a mite." "And I brought mine," added Uncle Walter. "And I mine," added Teezle.

If wimmen had had their way, that steeple would have pinted the other way." Josiah looked up from Ayers' Almanac, which he wuz calmly perusin', and sez he, "How a steeple would look a-pintin' down!" Josiah's face wuz smooth and placid, he hadn't took a mite of sense of what I had been a-sayin', and I knew it. Men don't.

Slowly he told the story of the colored woman and the extension case. The widow laughed until her spectacles fell off. "Well, there!" she exclaimed. "If that don't beat all! I don't blame Cap'n Burgess a mite. Poor thing! I guess I'd have run, too, if I'd have seen that darky.

"I'm afraid it isn't going to work," she murmured aloud; for Phoebe, having lived much of her life in the loneliness which the West means to women, frequently talked to herself. "She's such a nice little thing but the boys don't take to her like I thought they would. I don't see as she's having a mite of influence on their manners, unless it's to make them act worse, just to shock her.

"There is not an inch of ground that so young a child could reach that we have not searched. The mystery is, what could have become of her?" "That's what beats me," said the tall man, who was Dot's father. "I think of it all day and all night. There is the track of the dear little mite as clear as possible for five miles, as far as the dry creek.

I shouldn't wonder a mite if you'd got some o' them stomach troubles along with your cold. You 'ain't acted as if you'd relished a meal o' victuals for nigh onto ten days. Soon as I git my hands out o' the flour, I'll look in the doctor's book, an' find out. My! how het up I be!"

"Just all this. All this country; and the hayfields, and the cornfields, and the hills." "A park!" her mother repeated. "I saw a 'park' once, when I was down to New York; you wouldn't want to see it twice. A homely little mite of a green yard, with a big white house in the middle of it; and homely enough that was too.

"Of course you speak French like a native Iroquois, I mean," pursued the pitiless Elsie. "Just about," replied Tom, as ready as ever to laugh at his own blunders. "So you did not forget the bracelet?" urged Elsie. "Indeed I did not; it's in my carpet-bag." "Then I will be good natured to you all the evening," said she, "and won't tease you the least mite."

At other times I have endowed railroad stocks which were very much in need of my helping mite, two copper companies, a concern that was supposed to hoist up pure asbestos from the stomach of Popocatapetl, and a steamship company that never steamed. As I said before, they were all very successful endowments." "And how many of the other kind have you made?" she asked gently, looking down the trail.

Northerners don't know them. And they miss a lot. For the king is the most delicious orange in the world. And it's the trickiest and hardest for us to raise. See, the skin comes off it as easily as off of a tangerine, and it breaks apart in the same way. The rust mite has gotten at this one. See that russet patch on one side of it? You'll often see it on oranges that go North.