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"It's autumn in there," and he went in at the Victoria gate, with Eve at his heels. "Mister, how old might you be?" she asked, encouraged by the sound of his voice. "Thirty." "And you've passed ten years in in there." She jerked her head back and shivered a little. He had stooped to pick up a leaf. It was a yellow leaf from a chestnut that reached into the fog above them.

"Last evening Miss Kate will come down before dinner and talk about many things, and then she will say at the door, 'Donald tells me that Mister Carmichael does not believe in the Bible, and that his minister, Doctor Saunderson, has cast him off, and that he has been punished by his Bishop or somebody at Muirtown.

He put it into the packing case. "Excuse me, Captain," said Mike suddenly. "Let me take a look at something, will you?" Excitedly, he leaned over and took some of the books out, looking at the pages of each one. "I'll be damned," he said after a moment. "Or I should be for being such a stupid idiot!" Captain Quill narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about, Mister Gabriel?"

"Say, mister," he added, in another tone, "seeing that the game's up, suppose we have a glass of iced champagne downstairs?" The lieutenant hesitated. To drink with the mate of a slaver! But iced champagne! Slowly he moved toward the companionway. "I don't mind if I do," he said, at length; "and you may as well bring up your papers with the drinks, for I shall carry them on board the Petrel.

"Eleventh floor," he announced, when the passenger had told his destination; then as the car moved upward he gathered courage and looked the rancher fair in the eye. "Say, Mister," he ventured, "give me a pass to the show, will you?" For an instant Ben looked blank; then he understood, and his hand sought his trousers' pocket. "Sorry," he explained, "but I don't happen to have any with me.

The passage I easily engaged from the ship's mate, who dinned into my unlistening ears full account of the north sea, whither Captain Gillam was to go for the Fur Company, and whither, too, Master Ben was keen to sail, "a pirateer, along o' his own risk and gain," explained the mate with a wink, "pirateer or privateer, call 'em what you will, Mister; the Susan with white sails in Boston Town, and Le Bon Garçon with sails black as the devil himself up in Quebec, ha ha and I'll give ye odds on it, Mister, the devil himself don't catch Master Ben!

"Do you wish to earn a rich reward, my good friend?" said Thames to the watchman, as soon as they were left alone. "Is it by lettin' you go, my darlin', that I'm to airn it?" inquired Terence. "If so, it won't pay. You're Mister Wild's pris'ner, and worse luck to it!" "I don't ask you to liberate me," urged Thames; "but will you convey a message for me?" "Where to, honey?" "To Mr.

"Well, mister," said he, as he observed the leader judiciously drawing himself through the gap, "in with you just what I wanted;" and having waited a moment to ascertain that all the company were likely to follow, he ran with all haste towards the house, and swinging open the gate, pressed all breathless to the door. "Uncle Lot, there are four or five sheep in your garden!"

"You just walk down town and go in any Newspaper Buildings down there and tell 'em you got a right to stay there all day long when they tell you to get out o' there! Just try it! That's all I ask!" Florence uttered a cry of derision. "And pray, whoever told you I was bound to do everything you ask me to, Mister Henry Rooter?"

I'm a goner, sure!" His courage did not ooze out of his fingers, like the historic Bob Acres's; it vanished like gas from a rent balloon. He clasped his hands and tried to think of some prayer. "Now I lay me," he murmured. "Shan't we shoot the varmint?" said one of the Rebels, with a motion of his gun in harmony with that idea. "O, mister mister GOOD mister, DON'T! PLEASE don't!