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Old Uncle Ben, the Catherwoods' coachman, came out of the stable yard. The whites of his eyes were rolling, half in amusement, half in terror. Seeing Stephen standing there, he exclaimed: "Mistah Brice, if de Dutch take Camp Jackson, is we niggers gwinter be free?" Stephen did not answer, for the piano had started again, "If ever I consent to be married, And who could refuse a good mate?

Oakley, calm yourself." "I will not calm myself. Take him away. He shall not stand here and lie to me." Berry had suddenly turned ashen. "You say you know whaih dat money come f'om? Whaih?" "You stole it, you thief, from my brother Frank's room." "Stole it! My Gawd, Mistah Oakley, you believed a thing lak dat aftah all de yeahs I been wid you?" "You 've been stealing all along."

He kept looking back to see where Bowser the Hound was, but didn't look around to make sure that no other danger was near. Ol' Mistah Buzzard, sailing round and round, way up in the blue, blue sky, could see everything going on down below.

"I done tells de missus all 'bout hit, and she says as how it was on'y what she'd spect of dat young Mistah Morgan." "Thank you for telling me that, Sarah," Hugh went on to say; "it's pleasant to know some one thinks well of you. Is Mrs. Pangborn at leisure? I hope she isn't taking a nap just now?" "Deedy she ain't dat, suh; she's on'y readin' in de library.

Nobody's gwine to find yo' out. We'll keep it up just a day or two longer. Yo' cert'nly am powerful good at imitating other people's voices. Ah wonder that Ol' Mistah Buzzard hasn't got his eye on yo' before now," said Unc' Billy Possum. Bobby Coon had become wide awake as he listened. He tried hard to get a peep at the stranger with Unc' Billy, but all he could see was a long tail of feathers.

I don't think he had been drinking. I can't understand it. He had a big bag of dried apples and said that was all he went for. I don't like to discipline a man so late in the voyage." "Let it pass," Roger replied. "Cook's done good work for us." I didn't understand then what it meant; but later in the day I heard some one say softly, "Mistah Lathrop, Ah done got an apple pie, yass, sah.

"Calls hisself Tom Jones, mistah," he finally replied; but Max readily understood that the chances were the man had another name, which he did not like to own, as possibly it was connected with a prison sentence, or some crime. However, Max did not allow himself to feel any sort of curiosity in this direction.

Then she mentioned casually, with all her old naivete, "Leaseways, he wuz mah husban' oncet." "Mistah Breckenridge" ignored this little incident. His mind was on practical things. "Yuh got all yuh want, Hannah?" he asked. "'Caze ahm gwine tuh git hit foh yuh ef yuh ain't." Hannah, who seemed prepared for this inquiry, responded to it with much promptness.

In the darkness that night the cook came up to me in the waist whither I had wandered, unable to sleep. "Mistah Lathrop," he muttered, "Ah don't like dis yeh nosing and prying roun' islands whar a ship's got to lay up all night jes' like an ol' hen with a mess of chickens." We watched phosphorescent waves play around the anchor cable. The spell of uneasiness weighed heavily on us both.

But the next instant recovering herself, she added, graciously, "Yes, Mistah Shelby, I'll be glad to go." "Come on, Lloyd," urged Betty, swinging her hand to pull her into the group now drawn up on the side of the road ready to start. They had made their adieux. "All right," she answered, locking arms with Betty. "Good night, Mistah Shelby. Good night, Bernice."