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It am dreadful!" "Yes, Ben; I do not know how I can endure it." "He don't look like Jack one bit; not one bit, missus!" "I know it, Ben. He says Jack resembles his brother Walter." "Maybe he dun nebber had a brudder Walter." "Evidently you do not believe him?" "No, I don't." "Where did you meet him?" "He cum to de boathouse, and got me to row him ober to de wrack." "You took him there.

You see, sir, I had just come to the country, and with the missus and a couple of kids " "Thirty-one years! Great Caesar! And you've worked at this desk for thirty-one years! And what have you got out of it?" "Well, sir, not what you might call a terrible lot.

Hist, now!" he went on with a sudden change of tone, "it's about the runaways. I've news of 'em." He said it at the top of his voice. "For the Lord's sake " entreated the woman, glancing nervously across his shoulder at the traffic in the street. "The Doctor don't want it discussed for all the town to 'ear." "No, I bet he don't. But it's your own fault, missus.

He made a sudden effort, threw off the cabman's detaining hand, swayed a little and then steered a straight course for the cab, stumbling over the step and crawling in on his knees. "Isn't he a lad!" said the cabman admiringly. "Pair of lads, that's what you are! By cripes, you are! Where are you making for, missus?" His eyes, full of curiosity, were on the ship as a babble of voices rose.

Not a word, but gib up eberyting. De missus was so beat out wid fear, dat she say, 'Gib him eberyting. An' Missy S'wanee, more'n half-dead, too, began to gib dere watches an' jewels. De man put dem in his pocket, an' den he lay his hands on Missy S'wanee, to take off her ring. Den she scream, an' I flew at 'im an' tried to tear his eyes out.

Now, Massa, when missus and me went to wisit de president's plantation, I see his cook, Mr Sallust, didn't know nuffin' bout parin' de soup. What you tink he did, Massa? stead ob poundin' de clams in a mortar fust, he jist cut 'em in quarters and puts 'em in dat way. I nebber see such ignorance since I was raised.

She's a tall, handsome young woman now; ay, and a good-looking one too. Almost as good-lookin' as what my missus was about her age an' not unlike my little Mag in the face the one you rescued, you remember who is also a strappin' lass now." "I'm very glad to hear they are well, Captain," said Charlie; "and, Shank, what of "

"Yes, you are. Why, that rascal was going to run you through with his sword!" "Dat he was," put in Old Ben. "But let me tell yo' sumt'ing, missus. I had dat feller covered wid dis hoss-pistol ob mine. If he had tried to slew Jack dat would hab been de end of the rascal, suah pop!" "Good for you, Ben! Continue to look out for Jack, and I will reward you handsomely," concluded Mrs.

"What was the boss drover's fancy in the way of cooking?" he inquired of the missus, bent on his usual form of welcome, and the boss drover, a great burly Queenslander, with a voice as burly as his frame, answered for himself with a laughing "Vegetables! and as many as you think I've room for."

"I'm glad you come at last, Miss Sybyller. The missus has been in a dreadful stoo for fear something had happened yuz. She's been runnin' in an' out like a gurrl on the look-out fer her lover, and was torkin' of sendin' me after yuz, but she went to her tea soon as she see the buggy come in sight.