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Hit were a piece o' gold Kit give me atter I give you mine. He trades the womern out o' her necklace fer all o' two pesos, Mexican. But she not talkin' Missoury, an' him not talkin' Shoshone, they don't git fur on whar the gold come from. "She done told him she got hit from me, but he don't say a word ter me erbout that; he's too wise.

"Pleasure!" exclaimed Teeters, who took the polite phrase literally. "More like you'll want to knock his head off. Old Timer," he leaned over the saddle horn, "seein' as you're from Missoury, I'll tell you private that you'd better keep on travelin'. Company ain't wanted at the Scissor Outfit, and they'd high-tone it over you so 'twouldn't be noways enjoyable."

Thar hain't no manner o' man, outfit, river er redskin that Ole Missoury kain't lick, take 'em as they come, them to name the holts an' the rules. We done showed you-all that. We're goin' to show you some more. So good-by." He held out his hand. "Ye helped see far, an' ye're a far man, an' we'll miss ye. Ef ye git in need o' help come to us. Ole Missoury won't need no help."

You know, we'll get all the southern country to the Coast?" "An' welcome ef we didn't! Not a beaver to the thousand miles, Kit. I'm goin' to Oregon goin' to settle in the Nez Percé country, whar there's horses an' beaver." "But wait a bit afore you an' me gits too busy talkin'. Ye see, I'm with Major Banion, yan, an' the Missoury train. We're in camp ten mile below.

Take tonight to think it over, and tell us tomorrow." "Gawd, I'll go to Missoury if I can sell the farm!" he cried. "That's better. How much is it worth, Colonel?" "It's good land," the old gentleman answered. "I'll give a hundred and fifty an acre, because it adjoins me." "How much is it mortgaged for?" Brent turned to Hewlet, who seemed surprised at the question.

What with riding horses you hadn't ought, and seeing fights when you don't know a damned thing about nothing, I reckon you've made trouble about enough. Come on!" "Price," said Bill Jackson to the grave and silent man who walked with him toward the wagon train beyond the duelling ground, "this settles hit. Us Missoury wagons won't go on under no sech man as Sam Woodhull.