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'On dit, that some of the schoolmarms who went to South-Carolina several weeks ago, are not so intent upon 'teaching the young ideas how to shoot, as upon flirting with the officers, in a manner not entirely consistent with morality. General Hunter is going to send some of the misbehaving misses home.

And Connie would be an excellent marriage for him, excellent thoroughly suitable, better, really, than on the face of it he could hope for. Ludovic, just look out please and see if the carriage is here. Pocock always loses her head at a terminus, and misses the men-servants. Yes, there is Frederic with his back to the train, looking the wrong way, of course. He really is too stupid." Mr.

And the Misses Callear, who conferred a favour on their customers in serving them, didn't like it. He became reminiscent. 'Aye! he said, 'when I left th' Five Towns fifty-two years sin' to go weaving i' Derbyshire wi' my mother's brother, tay were ten shilling a pun'. Us had it when us were sick which wasna' often. We worked too hard for be sick.

You would not believe how he misses you." "It has been pretty lonesome for the last year. I didn't think it could be so lonesome anywhere." "Nor did I." "Have you noticed it? I shouldn't think you could in the mountains. Was there much water last spring? Heavens, I'd like to see the Crawling Stone again!" "Why don't you come back?" He folded her hands in his own. "Marion, it is you.

His little five-year-old boy is the apple of his eye, the core of his heart, and the chief object of his worship. He never misses an opportunity to sound the child's praises, and to show off his accomplishments. And all things considered, the little fellow is truly a wonder.

All the horrid sailors in the port had conspired to bring him to his knees, because he was an engineer." Captain Eliott emitted a throaty chuckle. "And the fact is, that if he misses a couple more trips he need never trouble himself to start again. He won't find any cargo in his old trade.

My sisters having been educated by them, and myself having two intimate friends, who were also the friends of the Misses More; the Rev. James Newton, and my old tutor, John Henderson, they introduced me to the family in Park Street, and the acquaintance then commenced was progressively ripened into respect that continued to the termination of all their lives.

The Misses Sliver were cordial enough, but too sentimental for the occasion; Miss Susan, using the language of some novel she had read, said, she hoped to find in Emma a "kindred spirit;" at which remark Fanny laughed outright, saying she hoped that "Sliver Crook" and "Snag Orchard" would not become etherialized.

Noel Vanstone, having been expressly cautioned against Miss Magdalen Vanstone by his late lamented father, has not yet forgotten his father's advice. Considers it a reflection cast on the memory of the best of men, to suppose that his course of action toward the Misses Vanstone can be other than the course of action which his father pursued. This is what he has himself instructed Mrs.

But, you know, she never misses a trick at spilling out the calamity stuff, especially if it isn't on her.... 'Oh, Miss Whitehead, she called out before I had a chance to beat it, 'have you heard about Miss Robson's mother? ...When she got through I fixed her with that trusty old eye of mine and I said, 'I suppose you see her quite often. And what do you think the old stiff said?