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As he stood, miserably pulling at his pipe, the whole prospect of sloping field, and steep distant moor, gradually vanished from his eyes, and, instead, he saw the same London room which David's memory held so tenaciously he saw Sandy raising himself from his deathbed with that look of sudden distrust 'Now, you'll deal honest wi 'em, Reuben? Reuben groaned in spirit.

So I, being not in the least like a Hero of Romance, wept miserably, staring through tears upon a countryside bathed in the glory of sunset; but to my jaundiced vision this radiance but made my circumambient shadow the blacker by contrast, a mephitic gloom wherein a chaise with red wheels bore Diana to her "slave and master" a master whose power was such that he could force her, willing or unwilling, to obey his summons his every behest ... horror on horror ... shame on shame, until my mind reeled sick with loathing.

When Billie had finished Chet looked grave. "Well," he said, fingering the pieces thoughtfully, "it does seem as if the only square thing to do would be to replace it." "Oh, I must, Chet I must!" she interrupted earnestly. "But how?" he asked. "A hundred dollars is a lot of money." "I know," agreed Billie miserably.

Many who had crossed the river were unable to effect a landing, while those who escaped drowning in the water lost their way in the devious and impracticable paths, or perished miserably in the treacherous quagmires. Very few effected their entrance into the town, but among them was Andelot, brother of Coligny, with five hundred followers. Meantime, a council of officers was held in Egmont's tent.

I think my nerves must have given way," she continued half tearfully; "but the very idea of shifting for myself for five months longer makes me so miserably homesick that I cannot endure it. I dare say I shall repent afterward, and I tell myself now how silly it is; but it's no use, I shall never know another easy moment till I have Amy safe again in America and under your father's care."

I think such things are too sacred to be trifled with!" This was what she said, but she was miserably aware that Howard had turned away and picked up his hat just as Clive had leaned over her with the pin, and almost immediately he left.

She was introduced to me, with old-fashioned simplicity, as 'My grand-daughter, Agnes Townley. It is difficult to look at beauty through other men's eyes, and, in the present instance, I feel that I should fail miserably in the endeavour to stamp upon this blank, dead paper, any adequate idea of the fresh loveliness, the rose-bud beauty of that young girl.

"I guess I've never felt as I do now," she said miserably. "How?" The girl's words came in a sudden passionate rush. "Oh, it's no use!" she cried. "You wouldn't understand. You're a good partner. You're a big man on the trail. Guess there's no bigger men on the trail than you and father unless it's John Kars. But you all fight with hard muscle. You figure out the sums as you see them.

I'll probably be as rich as Angie Hatton time you get back." And he, miserably: "Little old Chippewa girls are good enough for Chuck. I ain't counting on taking up with those Frenchies. I don't like their jabber, from what I know of it. I saw some pictures of 'em, last week, a fellow in camp had who'd been over there.

The girl begins her career as a slave, a pretty child bought from miserably poor parents under a contract, according to which her services may be claimed by the purchasers for eighteen, twenty, or even twenty- five years. She is fed, clothed, and trained in a house occupied only by geisha; and she passes the rest of her childhood under severe discipline.