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For a few minutes his brave spirit sank within him, and all the landscape swam before his eyes; while Snip took advantage of his master's inattention to put his nose into the basin, and help himself to the largest share of the potatoes. 'I mean to be like grandmother, said Martha's clear, sharp voice, close beside him, and he saw his sister looking eagerly round her.

I wish Joyce was here." "She will not be long now." The boy nestled himself in his father's arms, and in a few minutes appeared to be asleep. Mr. Carlyle, after a while, gently laid him on his pillow, and watched him, and then turned to depart. "Oh, papa! Papa!" he cried out, in a tone of painful entreaty, opening wide his yearning eyes, "say good-bye to me!" Mr.

Boil rapidly for ten minutes with the cover partly off; drain and return to the fire with fresh water. Simmer until tender; add pepper and butter and serve, or omit the butter and pepper and pour a cream sauce over the onions. Boil two large onions until very soft, drain, chop, and return to the saucepan with a small piece of butter.

The minutes of 1825 record: "It is reported that this Synod, in 1821, ordered all the congregations not to suffer any minister who is connected with the General Synod to preach in their meeting-houses.

"You go and take a long, long look at your bathroom sponge in action, and then come back and I'll talk to you." Baker contemplated his friend for a full ten seconds. Then his fat, pugnacious face wrinkled into a grin. "Stung on the ear by a wasp!" he cried, with a great shout of appreciation. "You merry, merry little josher! You had me going for about five minutes." Bob let it go at that.

When she saw he would not persuade her, she dispensed. "Come along," said she, "if it is only for five minutes." She took his hand, and away they scampered.

Barry had murmured something about "rush of work at the office" when he came in a few minutes late for Mrs. Burgoyne's dinner, but as the evening wore on, he seemed in no hurry to depart.

He kissed her on the cheek, and took a step to follow her to the door; but thought better of it and returned to the window. He heard the door close upon her, and five minutes later saw her whisked away in the gig by Dick Ellison's side.

The thing looks impossible! I must try to find out what foundation there is for the ridiculous tale." "I shall be relieved if you do find it is ridiculous," said Hayes, who went off soon afterwards. For some minutes Osborn leaned against the mantel with his hands clenched, for he had got a shock.

The sailor disappeared round the corner, and five minutes later the Push had slipped back, one by one, to their places under the veranda. Mrs Jones was in the middle of a story: "'Er breath was that strong, it nearly knocked me down, an' so I sez to 'er, 'Mark my words, I'll pocket yer insults no longer, an' you in a temperance lodge.