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The genius loci, the Chevalier himself, was not the last to welcome this prime stay and ornament of his establishment. He came shuffling forward with a hundred apish conges and chers milors, to express his happiness at seeing Lord Dalgarno again. "I hope you do bring back the sun with you, Milor You did carry away the sun and moon from your pauvre Chevalier when you leave him for so long.

"Milors and Gentlemans You excellent chairman, M. le Baron de Mount-Stuart, he have say to me, 'Make de toast. Den I say to him dat I have no toast to make; but he nudge my elbow ver soft, and say dat dere is von toast dat nobody but von Frenchman can make proper; and, derefore, wid your kind permission, I vill make de toast. 'De brevete is de sole of de feet, as you great philosophere, Dr.

The lower part of the house is occupied by a dealer in rags and old clothes. He and his wife and family are wretchedly poor, but they are kind, good souls, and for a consideration and a minimum of risk to themselves they will always render service to the English milors, whom they believe to be a band of inveterate smugglers.

With a most anxious eye I scanned the lists of arrivals at the usual haunts of my countrymen, in the Rue Rivoli, and the Place Vendome, but without success; there were long catalogues of "Milors," with their "couriers," &c. but not one name known to me in the number. I repaired to Galignani's library, which, though crowded as ever with English, did not present to me one familiar face.

"Milors and Gentlemans!" commences the Frenchman, elevating his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders.

With a most anxious eye I scanned the lists of arrivals at the usual haunts of my countrymen, in the Rue Rivoli, and the Place Vendome, but without success; there were long catalogues of "Milors," with their "couriers," &c. but not one name known to me in the number. I repaired to Galignani's library, which, though crowded as ever with English, did not present to me one familiar face.

Milors and gentlemans, I feel dat I can perspire to no greatare honneur dan to be von common scoundrelman myself; but, helas! dat plaisir are not for me, as I are not freeman of your great cite, not von liveryman servant of von of you compagnies joint-stock. But I must not forget de toast. Milors and Gentlemans!

Oh, she was a pearl among Abigails! Then she pointed unceremoniously to the door. "Milor!" was all she said, but of course I understood. I had no idea that English milors could be thus treated by pert maidens. But what cared I for social amenities just then? My hand had closed over the duplicate key of the safe, and I walked out of the room in the wake of the damsel. Theodore had disappeared.

One or two rickety chairs and a rough deal table showed vaguely in the gloom, and in the far corner of the room there lay a bundle of what looked like heaped-up rags, but from which there now emerged the sound of heavy breathing and also a little cry of fear. "Yvonne," came in feeble, querulous accents from that same bundle of wretchedness, "are these the English milors come back at last?"