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"I should be very pleased, M. Mille." "Here it is, then, just as I found it in a fifteenth-century manuscript "Cecile, the wife of Nicolas Gaubert, a jeweller on the Pont-au-Change, after having led an honest and chaste life for many years, and being now past her prime, became infatuated with Jean Violle, the Countess de Maubec's page, who lived at the Hotel du Paon on the Place de Greve.

Mille pardons, the face, milord, a little more to the right. Thank you thank you very much. And if you will do me the favor to look at me ... for the expression of the eye just so thank you! A most important point, milord, is the expression of the eye. When I say the expression, I mean the fire, the sparkle, the liquidity ... enfin the expression!"

Bon jour!" said she, looking round at the silent party, with a half terrified, half astonished countenance. Je vous demande mille pardons Qu'est ce que c'est? I have only been to take a walk dis morning into de village to de milliner's. She has disappointed me of my tings, dat kept me waiting; but I am come back in time for breakfast, I hope?"

The Vicomte left the rotunda, and putting up his eyeglasses, began to examine the crowd in the garden. The Palais Royal was at that time the central point of Paris, and served as a rendezvous for everybody. Each café had its special customers. The Bonapartists went to one, foreigners to another the Mille Colonnes speculators to the Café de Fois, and so on.

It is particularly troublesome and inconvenient to me; but I shan't mind that, if any good is to be done and that the friendly motive of my going is appreciated. From M. Fould Mon cher Monsieuer, Je me suis empresse de transmettre a l'empereur la nouvelle que vous voulez bien me donner et qui me fait grand plaisir. Mille compliments bien desires,

At all events, she was very intelligent, had educated herself, and knew thoroughly well how to receive and entertain people at the little palazzo in the Via dei Mille, which had been given to her by old Marquis Manfredi now deceased.

'Mono mush thig thu! you crathur, is it trying which yer head or the road is the hardest, ye are? Whisht now, don't cry, me fine boy, and maybe I'd sing a song for ye. 'Wisha then, cead mille failthe a thousand times, Irishman, whoever ye are! said the mother, seizing Andy's hand. 'And my heart warms to the tongue of the old counthry!

He uttered a short, low, laugh, unobserved, perhaps, by any one but myself; and, pushing through the atmosphere of sacres and mille tonnerres, which filled that pandaemonium, strode quickly to the door. I felt as if a load had been taken from my bosom, when he was gone. Reddere person ae scit convenientia cuique. Horace: Ars Poetica.

Those wild men, after their arrivement, for feare spoak not one word of him, but went downe to the 3 rivers, where their habitation was. Fourteen days after some boats ventured to goe looke for some Oriniaks, came to the same place, where they made cottages, and that within a quarter of mille where this wrech was.

"Mille grazie, signor!" "It is of no consequence." They arrived on the ground, and the seconds loaded the pistols. Michel asked permission of Yanski to say two words to him. "Speak!" said Varhely.