United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But of all the sights I see that day I guess the one that stayed by me the longest, and that I thought more on than any of the other contents of Horticultural Hall, as I lay there on my peaceful pillow at Miss Plankses, wuz the reproduction of the Crystal Cave of Dakota. The original cave, so fur as they have discovered it, is thirty-three milds long

The empire of Japan consists of three thousand eight hundred islands, from one eight hundred milds long to them no bigger than a tin pan, and the population is about forty-three million. I don't spoze any nation on earth ever made faster progress than Japan has in the last thirty years: railways, telegraph postal system.

Our road led up the mountain side and anon the city of Kandy could be seen sot down in a sort of a valley on the mountain. We had our dinner at the Queen's Hotel, and from there sallied out to see the sights. Not fur from the hotel wuz a artificial lake three milds round, built by some king.

"Wall, they go four milds and a half to the meetin'-house there hain't no Free-well Baptist nearer to 'em, and they are strong in the belief, and awful sot on that's bein' the only right way. So they go to class-meetin' first, and both talk for quite a length of time; they are quite gifted, and are called so.

And then mebby the very next minute it would swell itself out agin, and be twenty or thirty milds acrost, rushin', hurryin', and dashin' itself along, hastenin' to the sea. Actin' as if it had sunthin' dretful pressin' and important to tell it, and mebby it had.

It would almost seem as if they would be tired enough when they got here, to not want to disemmark themselves and their truck, and then imegiatly embark agin on a periongor or wagon, or car, or sunthin, and go a-trailin' off thousands of milds further. And then go through it all agin disembarkin' and unloadin' their truck, and themselves.

A man so gifted and good that folks would go milds and milds to hear him, he seemed to hold the secret of inspirin' men and wimmen, and rousin' 'em out of their cold icy states, and drawin' 'em right along towards the mounts he habitually stood on. He'd done sights of good, sights on it.

Dum your dum picter, whoa I say!" For the last few milds Josiah rid standin' all I could do and say. Yellin' at the shuffler, hollerin' whoa to him, and appealin' to Heaven and me simultaneous as it were, for mercy and succor. And that shuffler payin' no more attention to him than as if he wuz a fly, not a hoss fly, but jest a common fly.

And I would stop at some of the silk shops, though Josiah objected and leaned out of his jinrikisha and sez anxiously: "Don't spend more'n half a dozen rins, Samantha, on dress, for you know we've got more than 10,000 milds to travel and the tarven bills are high."