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"He wots it, doth he?" said the Queen, in rather a provoking voice. "No, no, mignonne; with all respect to their honour and discretion, we do not put flint and steel together, when we do not wish to kindle a fire.

While she was singing, she darted roguish glances at her sister, whose cheeks glowed like the sun-ripened side of a golden apricot. Her father touched her shoulder, and said in a tone of annoyance, "Don't sing that foolish song, Mignonne!" She turned to him quickly with a look of surprise; for she was accustomed only to endearments from him.

"I love anything that comes from you," she made low reply. "But these but these I ought not to take these." "But why not?" he questioned. "May I not make you a present? Are you not my wife?" "Yes." More faintly came Toby's answer. "But but but a wife is different. A wife does not need presents." "Mais vraiment!" protested Saltash. "So a wife is different! How different, mignonne?"

But what struck deepest with him was Philip's physical and mental fight for new life, and the splendid way in which the wilderness had responded. "And you couldn't go back now," he said, a tone of triumph in his voice. "When the forests once claim you they hold." "Not alone the forests, Mon Pere." "Ah, Mignonne. No, there is neither man nor beast in the world that would leave her.

When I saw her note on the breakfast table next day, I knew that somehow it would prove to be of more importance than the whole of my other letters put together, and I therefore hastened to open it first. "VILLA MIGNONNE, 15th March, 1880. "Colonel Colquhoun, late of the Colqohoun Highlanders, has been appointed to command the depot at Morningquest, I hear.

That will be the way with you, if you let them lead you into this; so don't you do it, mon enfant." A thought seemed to cross Mary's mind, as she turned to Madame de Frontignac, and said, earnestly, "If a good man were my husband, I would never think of another, I wouldn't let myself." "How could you help it, mignonne? Can you stop your thinking?" Mary said, after a moment's blush, "I can try!"

Curll, and Elizabeth Curll, Gilbert's sister, a most faithful attendant on the Queen. As before, she shared the Queen's chamber, and there it was that Mary asked her, "Well, mignonne, and how fares it with thine ardent suitor? Didst say that he rode with thee?" "As far as the Manor gates, madam." "And what said he? Was he very pressing?" "Nay, madam, I was ever with my father Mr. Talbot."

She is betrothed to the scion of a noble house, and will shortly be led to the hymeneal altar, when we shall attend as maids of honour, clad in the sheen of satin and glimmer of pearls. Gabriella, the second, is mignonne in stature, with a wee, winsome face "

I also set L'Attente from Hugo's Orientales, and Ronsard's song, Mignonne, to music. I next stumbled on the idea of writing a grand bass aria with a chorus, for Lablache to introduce into his part of Orovist in Bellini's Norma. Lehrs had to hunt up an Italian political refugee to get the text out of him.

Why, thou'lt have a hundred crowns to dress thy three children all in new clothes. Thou'rt lucky to be the wife of a butcher. Profit, then, 'ma mignonne', by what God sends thee by the favor of his Eminence." "Let me alone!" answered the first speaker. "I'll not accept it. I've seen these fine young gentlemen at the windows. They look as mild as lambs."