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This Ethelbert, in processe of time grew to be a mightie prince, but yet in the begining of his reigne he had but sorie successe against some of his enimies: for hauing to doo with the foresaid Cheuling [Sidenote: Hen. Hunt. Ali

Del la ciuidad de Londres a los veynte dias de Iulio del mil y quinientos y ocbenta y quatro annos. Al seruitio de vuestra Alteza per y en hombre de todos los tratantes en Tutquia, lo el Mayor de Londres, Edward Osborne. The same in English. Right high and mightie king,

Firing a parting salute on the 16th of March, Cavendish took his departure, traversing for forty days that "mightie and vaste sea between the yle of Java and the main of Africa, observing the heavens, the crosiers or southern cross, the other starres, the fowles, which are marks unto seamen of fair weather or foul weather, approaching of lands or islands, the winds, the tempests, the rains and thunder, with the alterations of the tides and currents."

And this was the reporte that was geven to this mightie Emperour, whereby the towne of Andwerpe and the Netherlandes were saved from the Inquisition.

Give me your hand, Sir; You have put me in a path I will tread strongly; Redeeme what I have lost, and that so nobely The world shall yet confes at least I lovd ye. How much I smile at now theis peoples mallice! Dispise their subtle ends, laugh at their Justice! And what a mightie Prince a constant man is!

This finally may be generally said hereof, that the greater shires in China prouince may bee compared with mightie kingdomes. In eche one of these shires bee set Ponchiassini and Anchiassini, before whom are handled the matters of other Cities.

The king being aduertised of the destruction and spoile which the Welshmen dailie did practise against his subiects, both in their persons and substance, assembled a mightie armie, and came with the same vnto Worcester, meaning to inuade the enimies countries.

As they were sailing along, there arose such a mightie tempest, that the whole Fleete was dispersed, so that when the duke was returned vnto his company, he could not escry aboue 80. ships in all, whereunto the residue by litle and litle ioyned themselues, except eight which had their mastes blowen ouer-boord.

Hauing therefore well grounded himselfe in religion by reading the Scriptures, he applied his studies to the arte of Physicke, a profession worthy a noble wit: but amongst other things, he was rauished with a mightie desire to see the greater partes of the world, as Asia, and Africa.

The laurell, meed of mightie conquerours And poets sage; the firre that weepeth still; The willow, worne of forlorn paramours; The eugh, obedient to the benders will; The birch for shaftes; the sallow for the mill; The mirrhe sweete-bleeding in the bitter wound; The warlike beech; the ash for nothing ill; The fruitfull olive; and the platane round; The carver holme; the maple seeldom inward sound.