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Zückert’s translation of the first six parts of Tristram Shandy appeared in 1763, and bore the imprint of the publisher Lange, Berlin und Stralsund. The title readDas Leben und die Meynungen des Herrn Tristram Shandy,” the first of the long series ofLeben und Meynungenwhich flooded the literature of the succeeding decades, this becoming a conventional title for a novel.

[Footnote 21: “Tristram Shandy’s Leben und Meynungen von neuem verdeutscht, Leipzig, 1801, I, pp. 572; II, pp. 532; III, pp. 430. Mit 3 Kupfern und 3 Vignetten nach Chodowiecki von J.

Among miscellaneous and anonymous works inspired directly by Sterne, belongs undoubtedlyDie Geschichte meiner Reise nach Pirmont” , the author of which claims that it was written before Yorick was translated or Jacobi published. He says he is not worthy to pack Yorick’s bag or weave Jacobi’s arbor, but the review of the Almanach der deutschen Musen evidently regards it as a product, nevertheless, of Yorick’s impulse. Kuno Ridderhoff in his study of Frau la Roche says that theEmpfindsamkeitof Rosalie in the first part ofRosaliens Briefeis derived from Yorick. TheLeben, Thaten und Meynungen des D.

In 1778 another translation of this book appeared, which has been ascribed to Bode, though not given by Goedeke, Jördens or Meusel. Its title wasDer Koran, oder Leben und Meynungen des Tria Juncta in Uno.” The Almanach der deutschen Musen treats this work with full measure of praise. The Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek accepts the book in this translation as a genuine product of Sterne’s genius.