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Together they had been victorious; what would be the result when they met as foes?

9th. Up, and to the Office, but did little there, my mind being still uneasy, though more and more satisfied that there is no occasion for it; but abroad with my wife to the Temple, where I met with Auditor Wood's clerk, and did some business with him, and so to see Mr.

He said he had never seen a Yankee soldier before, and he was glad he had met me. I told him he was the first rebel I had ever met, and I hoped he would be the last, until the war was over. By this time our horses had gone to nibbling grass, as though there were no such thing as war.

He paid the price with his life, but he would have asked no better fate. A soldier of God, he met a soldier's death on the field of battle, in the hour of victory. A man of destiny he was to his people as to himself.

And many of them enjoyed the first real respect for the Union that they had had for four years, when they met the well-fed and well-clothed Union soldiers, who did not seem as bad as they had been painted, the poorest one of which had more money in his pockets than the richest citizen of supposed wealth.

He became persuaded in a very little while that the soul of Gertrude met his midway, and when she sent him a description of her little boudoir, so that he might the better realize her in her own surroundings, he used to float away to Verviers in vision, and sit by Gertrude in fancy, and hold Gertrude's hand, and express to Gertrude all his ardours of friendship and esteem for, of course, it never got beyond that, or was ever to be permitted to get beyond it and Gertrude used to give him vow for vow, all in the range of the highest moral feeling.

Coming within carbine-shot of the stream, where he met his cavalry which had been sent forward at full speed, in the vain hope of seizing or destroying the bridge before it should be too late, he took up a position behind a dyke, upon which he placed his two field-pieces, and formed his troops in line of battle exactly across the enemy's path. On the right he placed the regiment of Scots.

Helen met him at the door, and drew him into the house. "You are so late," she said, pressing his chill fingers against her warm cheek, and chafing them between her hands. He stopped to kiss her before he took his coat off, smiling at her happiness and his own. "How raw and cold it is!" she said. "Come into the study; I have a beautiful fire for you. Is it going to snow, do you think?

In another few moments it led him to the truth; everything was clear. He had once met Wandle driving toward the settlement wearing such a suit, and by good fortune he had shortly afterward been overtaken by a farmer who must have seen the man. In his excitement he struck the table. "Now I know!" he cried. "The man who forged Jernyngham's name hid his clothes near my house to fix the thing on me.

The Vicomtesse and I exchanged a look of understanding. Relief was plain on her face. It was she who answered. "We have met him by chance, Monsieur. He has just left for Terre aux Boeufs." "Terre aux Boeufs! What the dev I beg your pardon, Madame la Vicomtesse, but you give me something of a surprise.