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In the valuable manuscript chronicle of the reign of the Catholic sovereigns, written by Andres Bernaldes, the curate of Los Palacios, there is a long tract on the subject of the discoveries of Columbus: it concludes with these words: Murio en Valladolid, el ano de 1506, en el mes de Mayo, in senectute bona, de edad 70 anos, poco mas o menos.

"Quant a mes pauvres enfants, je suis desole de les savoir malades, mais ta lettre m'encourage a esperer qu'ils sont en bonne voie de convalescence. Tu as du avoir un temps difficile a passer ainsi tout seule: chere petite femme, je crois que si j'y avais ete c'eut ete plus facile pour toi: les enfants de mon ami Pearce sont egalement malades de la scarlatine.

'Cela comprend toute l'exploitation de 1863. 'Vous m'excuserez beaucoup de mon retard. 'Je termine en vous présentant mes respectueuses salutations. Vous noublierez pas ce que vous mavez promis' St. Georges, le 24 Juillet, 1864. Dimanche. Instead of three francs the quintal, Mignot had previously told me that he got four francs, delivered at Gland, and five at Geneva.

You may burn to interrupt, and to cry out "FranASec.ais, mes frA"res" but you had better bite your tongue, and sit still. Do not explain that Rio Janeiro is the capital of Brazil. In a few minutes it will appear that they all knew it, though they did not mention it, and, by your waiting, you will save yourself horrible mortification.

He will, perhaps, see more clearly, will act with less want of foresight than others. Is it true that, on account of the state of affairs on the Continent, there is in England a tacit suspension of hostilities between the two parties, and that the Cabinet is no longer seriously attacked?... Je suis charme que le second volume de mes 'Meditations' vous ait interesse.

Je vous serai donc on ne peut plus reconnaissante si vous vouliez bien confier entre mes mains ce que vous possedez, soit en copie, soit original, comme vous le voudrez, m'engageant a vous remettre ce precieux depot des que nous en aurons fait usage, et des que vous le reclamerez.

There was quick death and speedy promotion at the great battle of Lorraine, as there was at Gettysburg and Antietam. "They charged out of the woods, and we had a battalion of reserves here are some of them mes poilus!" He turned affectionately to the bearded fellows in scarfs who had come out of the shelter. They smiled back.

"Sir Claude Latour and the White Company!" shouted the travellers, draining off their goblets. "Well quaffed, mes braves! It is for me to fill your cups again, since you have drained them to my dear lads of the white jerkin. Hola! mon ange, bring wine and ale. How runs the old stave? We'll drink all together To the gray goose feather And the land where the gray goose flew."

But Europe had by her fatuous interference with the internal affairs of France sown dragons' teeth indeed and a nation of armed men had sprung forth, nursing hatred of monarchy and habituated to victory. "Eh, bien, mes enfants," cried a French general before an engagement when provisions were wanting to afford a meal for his troops, "we will breakfast after the victory."

'Mère Julie, I said, 'and mes bonnes femmes, my friends, know you that it is the middle of the night, the hour at which we must rest if we are to be able to do the work that is needful, which the bon Dieu has laid upon us? It is not from us my daughter and myself who, it is well known, have followed all the functions of the Church, that you will meet with an opposition to your promise.