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"I'll make no trouble about that. Good day to ye, Mr. Merriwell. Make the best of your success now, but remember that Hagan is no easy mark, and he'll get a rap at you yet." His face purple with rage, the schemer strode out of the room and soon left the hospital. Outside the gate he paused, removed his hat, and mopped his forehead with his handkerchief.

It was not probable that the consequences would be serious for Merriwell, who would be able to prove his innocence in the matter. What could be done? The boys fell to discussing the matter in little groups, and not a few expressed regret that Tad Horner had unmasked, as an alibi could have been arranged for him if he had not done so.

Then Frank, nearly exhausted, was drawn out. With Rains on one side, and Hodge on the other, Frank skated back to the shore, where the great crowd of spectators had witnessed the gallant rescue. How the crowd cheered and flung up their hats! "Hurrah for Frank Merriwell!" was the roar that went up. "Hurrah!" "Hurrah for Paul Rains! Hurrah!"

"Wholly satisfactory, Mr. Merriwell," asserted Casin. Mulloy and Gallup produced check books and proceeded to draw checks at a standing desk used for that purpose by depositors. These checks were made payable to the Wellsburg First National Bank, and Merriwell indorsed both of them.

Was it a flickering flare of the gas jet, or did the midnight eyes waver the least bit? Without moving his head or his body, Dade Morgan turned his glance toward Merriwell. What he saw in Frank's face gave him a feeling of relief and unspeakable satisfaction. Merriwell wore the look of a conqueror. He was the same undaunted, undismayed Merry as of old.

You are orderly, and I ought to have spoken up and told the inspector I had been smoking. I didn't know what it was he put down, but I'll go and confess my crime now." He sprang up petulantly, but Frank's hand dropped on his arm, and Merriwell quietly said: "Don't go off angry, old man. You know I don't want you to do anything of the sort.

"It is a corker," confessed Pierson. "We weren't looking for anything of the sort a short time ago." "I should say not. Up to the time Merriwell went in it looked as if Harvard had a walkover." "Gordon feels bad enough about it, that is plain. He is trying to appear cheerful on the bench, but " "He can't stand it any longer; he's leaving." That was right.

And there was a great handshaking and much exclaiming over his appearance. "I salute the little mother!" said the Westerner, as he bent over Inza's hand and kissed it. "And the bride, too!" he exclaimed, as he greeted Elsie. "Merriwell, Hodge, let me shake hands with you again! My grip must say the things my lips cannot." "Where's the baby?" questioned Frank.

At last he began to realize that the American was a wonderful fighter with a knife, and, to his dismay, he saw Merriwell appeared almost as fresh and vigorous as when the fight began. "Must end it quick," thought Del Norte. But when he lunged again Frank leaped aside and struck him in the shoulder, from which the blood flowed swiftly, staining the Mexican's white shirt.

"Form a line get hold of my feet!" he shouted. Down upon his stomach he went, and he slid forward till he could reach out and grasp one of the girls. There he lay till another lad clutched his feet, and still others grasped the feet of the one who had hold of Paul. "Now, Merriwell," said Paul, "if you can break their clutch on each other, we can take 'em out one at a time."