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Emory Merritt's sister was Ogden Greene's wife, and the Merritts kept up an occasional correspondence with her. Hence, Cecilia Merritt always knew what was to be known about Wesley Brooke, and always told Theodosia because she had never been expressly forbidden to do so. Today she looked slightly excited.

Your confidence Workes much uppon my lenity; but twould Occasion scandall; every one would judge I did supplant my daughter, should I yeild To your desines. Thu. Let the censorious world Fright those with harelipd Calumnie whose guilt Merritts detraction; your pure innocence No feind dares vitiatt. Lady. You have prevaild. Thu.

When freedom was no longer a dream, but a reality, the Merritts started life on their own as farmers. Twelve-year old Patience entered one of the schools established by the Freedmen's Bureau. She recalls the gradual growth of Negro settlements, the churches and the rise and fall of the Negroes politically. Personal interview with Patience Campbell, 910 Cherry Street, Monticello, Florida

She had known for many years that there was a breach between the Merritts and themselves.

What the doctor had said in the afternoon had got out. He himself had told Mrs. Mills that it was doubtful if the deacon's wife got around, and it sat heavily upon the conscience of the people. The opening hymns were sung; the Merritts, late as usual, had taken their seats.

As for Elmira, she tried to comfort her mother, and she had an anxious curiosity about Jerome and his call at the Merritts'; but Lawrence Prescott was coming that evening. Presently Ann heard her singing up-stairs in her chamber, whither she had gone to curl her hair and change her gown.

The stately lady had died while she was still a child at her first school; she could recollect her own mourning frock; but that was almost the last personal remembrance she had, connected with the Merritts. And now this note of intense personal and family pride, under which Mrs. Boyce's voice had for the first time quivered a little! Marcella had never heard it before, and it thrilled her.

Your owne late actions they have raisd a war Against your former merritts, and defeated What ever then was ranckt for good and great, For which your Enemies, those that you thought frends, Triumph, not wee. Bre. We rather wish you could Acquitt yourself of that for which we have Too evident prooffes, then labour to intrap you. Bar.

It was clear that the deacon was not going to church. Lonely and forsaken, Jack took his old seat on the porch and pondered. The wrinkles in his brow multiplied and grew deeper as he looked down the road and saw the Joneses, the Smiths, and the Allens go by toward the church. When the Merritts had passed, too, under the lamp, he knew that it must be nearly time for the sermon.