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From this we travelled due North, over a ridge of rocks, which formed the only passage across a chain of hills. This is a scattered unwalled village. Latitude by mer. alt. of moon 13 deg. 50'. Arrival at Keminoom, or Manniakorro, on the Ba lee river. Visit to the Chief.

The following day he set out alone about three in the morning for the Grepon. He took the road up the Nantillons glacier to the Col, and then he must have climbed the Mummery crack by himself. After that he left the ordinary route and tried a new traverse across the Mer de Glace face.

Our housemasters were two men whom we called Fathers from habit and tradition, though they were not priests. In my time there were indeed but three genuine Oratorians to whom this title legitimately belonged; in 1814 they all left the college, which had gradually become secularized, to find occupation about the altar in various country parishes, like the cure of Mer.

Halted during the heat of the day at Mambari, where there is a small village built this season; the former one having been destroyed by war many years ago. Passed in the course of the forenoon two streams running towards Gambia. " Obser. Mer. Alt. 162 43 0 1/2 81 21 30 0 16 0 81 37 30 Z.D. 8 23 30 D. 21 46 10 Latitude 13 22 40

In consequence of such accidents, the boats of the Seine are prohibited from taking more than sixteen passengers. Not many years ago, an excursion to St. Cloud by water, was an important voyage to some of the Parisians, as you may see by referring to the picture which has been drawn of it, under the title of "Voyage de Paris a Saint Cloud par mer, et le retour de Saint Cloud a Paris par terre."

Am I enough disguised? Mer. Ay. I warrant you. Per. Save you, fair lady." Ibid. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. The ill wind that had blown gout to Lord Lilburne had blown Lord Lilburne away from the injury he had meditated against what he called "the object of his attachment."

He lifted his hat and told his story: "It was on the Mer de Glace, monsieur, the day before yesterday. I was bringing a party back from the Jardin, and just by the Moulin I saw two men very high up on the cliffs of the Blaitiere. I was astonished, for I had never seen any one upon those cliffs before. But I was quite sure. None of my party could see them, it is true, but I saw them clearly.

Dressed Isaaco's wounds: they looked remarkably well. July 8th. Waiting very anxiously for the return of Isaaco's people with the rice, being now on very short allowance. July 9th. In the afternoon Isaaco's people returned, bringing with them l23 lbs. of clean rice; Isaaco's wounds looking well, and beginning to discharge good pus. Latitude by uncertain obs. mer. alt. of the sun 13 11'.

Manet vero tabes pituitaria: manet temperamentum in catarrhos proclive. Corpus macrescit. Vires delabuntur. On nous fait scavoir qu'il s'est bien trouve de l'immersion dans l'eau de la mer, et des eaux de Bath. "On dit a present qu'il a une fievre pituitaire sans dire depuis combien de temps. Qu'il lui reste toujours son temperament enclin aux catharres.

Imagine the predicament of the Germans on the plantations of Bougainville Island, who are compelled to learn beche de mer English in order to handle the native labourers. It is to them an unscientific polyglot, and there are no text-books by which to study it.