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"Jump, then, d'ye hear, consarn you?" shouted the man, menacingly waving his pistol; "take a header, and over you go, both of you! I'm a desperate man, and not to be fooled with. P'raps you c'n keep afloat on that wreckage long enough for the tug to come up, and pull you in. But no matter, over you go, one way or the other!"

His natural ferocity was stimulated by his unpleasant discovery, and he shook his fist menacingly at Robert, from whom he had received the wound. "There's a reckoning coming betwixt you and me, young one!" he cried, "and it'll be a heavy one. Ben Haley don't forget that sort of debt. The time'll come when he'll pay it back with interest.

Many times his nose was on a level with Tommy's frowsy head he looked sternly, even menacingly, into those irresponsibly bright blue eyes, but with no effect whatever. There were other times when the red Irish flared up, and he sprang back, strongly tempted to snap and snap hard. But always he reflected that master and mistress set a high valuation on the little biped.

At tea that night, after gazing interestedly at Mr Hawden's nose for some time, uncle Julius inquired, "in the name of all that's mysterious, what the devil have you been doing to your nose? You look as though you had been on the spree." I was quaking lest he would get me into a fine scrape, but he only muttered, "By Jove!" with great energy, and glowered menacingly across the table at me.

"Do you know," said the Traveller, in a slow and measured accent "Do you know, master Shrivel-face, that I have more than half a mind to break your head for impertinence. You a landlord! you keep an inn, indeed! Come, Sir, make off, or " "Corporal! Corporal!" cried Peter, retreating hastily from his seat as the brawny Traveller approached menacingly towards him "You won't see the peace broken.

I've got to get aboard and warn " He stopped. "What's the idea of holding a paralo ray on me?" "You're not warning anybody!" Sinclair waved the gun menacingly. "Now get over to the house and walk slowly with your hands in the air or I'll freeze you solid!" Stunned by this sudden turn of events, Tom turned away from the air lock. "So you're one of them, too," said Tom.

There on the edge of the wood that bordered the west of the field, shaking his massive head menacingly and pawing the ground, stood Ponto, the great black and white bull of the Lyman stock farm. The most savage animal in Woodbridge had broken through his barrier and, attracted by the applause of the people, had wandered through the woods to Firemen's Field.

His wrists were painfully marked, and his arms felt numb and helpless, but his first thought, as soon as the ligatures that had held him were off, was how to escape. His captors read this and smiled, each man drawing his kris and showing it menacingly, while their leader told him that he was a prisoner until the sultan's wishes were known. "Are you not going to kill me?" said Ali passionately.

But Jim insisted upon intruding upon her moments in the flat; he monopolized conversations, and asked impertinent questions, and stared. More than once he had offered to "walk her home" as she was leaving; more than once he had thrust himself menacingly across her path. But she had managed, neatly, to avoid him. Rose-Marie was afraid of Jim.

Once at the foot of the ridge, they came cautiously to their feet, and, bent half-double, advanced silently upon the unconscious white man, their heavy war-clubs swinging menacingly in their brawny hands.