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One night my father paid a visit to one of the men-creatures' villages and brought us home a goat, and the next night he brought us a sheep. It seemed very easy to get food that way, but the men-creatures didn't like it, I suppose." "Oh, sir," said the smallest Lion Cub, "please tell me, did you ever eat a man?" The Tiger smiled. "No," he said, "I never did, but my father ".

It was his call to all the world, and all powers and things and two-legged men-creatures, and Steward in particular, and Kwaque, and Michael. The burden of his call was: "It is I, Cocky.

Then came the suitors, the Kirsten girls with their friends, the pretty young widow, and often the good Kummerfelden, who took great delight in listening to the irrational chatter of the amorous youths. "These men-creatures are enough to drive one mad when they're in love," she said once to the Raven-mother.

I wasn't full-grown then, and I used to live with my father and mother and my young brother in a cosy little home in the jungle. Most of the men-creatures who lived near us over there were brown, you know, not white like the ones we see over here. My father was getting old, and food had become very scarce.

She allowed him to understand how magnanimous she was in thus pardoning him for her own naughtiness, and he was deeply impressed, as men-creatures should be under such circumstances. Such wisdom, and she but a child! I was enchanted!" "Good heavens! Surely, Mother, I misunderstand you! Surely you reproved her!" "Reprove her?" My mother's voice was full of astonishment. "Why should I reprove her?

"Dear, good Master Owl, permit me to live and I will give you something which is worth many dinners, something that men-creatures value very highly, and which with great labor and pain I brought away from one of their dens." "Umph!" grumbled the Owl. "Let us see what it is." The Rat crawled timidly out of his hole with the peace-offering; and what do you think it was? Why, a gimlet!

He never for a moment doubted that these men-creatures, who had always wanted him, would want him now. They would chain him up, of course, for fear he would change his mind and leave them again. But they would feed him, all he could eat; and stare at him; and admire him. Then he would dance for them, and do foolish things with a gun, and perhaps stand on his head.