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In the rush and the mêlée Laurence Stanninghame has become separated even farther from his comrades, his white comrades, that is, nor can he by any effort hope to rejoin them. Several Arabs are around him, his own followers, swarthy sons of the Prophet, their keen eyes flashing hate and defiance upon the foe, their long ataghans sweeping a circle of light around them.

"Surrender in the king's name," the revenue officer shouted, as he rushed forward, followed by his men. The answer was a pistol shot, and, in a moment, a furious melee began. The advantage in numbers was all on the side of the smugglers. Those who had landed with the kegs were all armed with pistol and cutlass, and the countrymen had heavy sticks and bludgeons.

In the midst of the mêlée one of my fellow passengers, a Catholic priest named Father Brandsma, courageously dashed in between the flying spears and logs of wood and separated the combatants. This incident shows the hostility that still exists between the various tribes in the Congo. It constitutes one excellent reason why there can never be any concerted uprising against the whites.

she sang, calmly watching the progress of the battle, until Selwyn disengaged himself from the mêlée and sank breathlessly into a chair. "All over," he said, declining further combat. "Play the 'Star-spangled Banner, Miss Erroll." "Boom!" crashed the chord for the sunset gun; then she played the anthem; Selwyn rose, and the children stood up at salute. The party was over.

I never could understand how Dave Mead headed the crowd back and kept the whole mass from piling up on the fallen Indian and those nearest to him. Nor do I understand why some of us were not crushed or kicked out of life in that mêlée of ponies and riders struggling madly together.

The hopeless sound of the chubby one's crying caused Peter suddenly to go red hot somewhere inside his chest, and like a bullet from a gun he was into the middle of the circle. "You beasts! You beasts," he sobbed hysterically. He began to hit wildly, with his head down, at any one near him, and very soon there was a glorious melee.

«Les deux extrémités sont calcaires, avec cette différence, que celle qui est la plus près de Martigny est mêlée de mica, tandis que celle de St Maurice n'en contient point. Entre ces calcaires sont refermées des rochers que l'on regarde comme primitives; et au milieu de ces roches on trouve des ardoises et des poudingues. On fait que ce dernier genre est ordinairement classé parmi les montagnes tertiaires, ou de la formation la plus récente. Mais ces poudingues-ci, qui ne contiennent aucun fragment de pierre calcaire, qui ne sont même point unis par un gluten calcaire, ne sont vraisemblablement pas postérieures

They handed their swords to Bambro' and stood apart, each of them sorely wounded, watching with hot and bitter hearts the melee which still surged up and down the field.

I hurried away and put myself at the head of our Chasseurs, who threw themselves on the Saxon squadrons. The Saxons put up a stiff resistance and there was a general melée, but eventually our adversaries were forced to retreat with losses. Towards the end of the fighting, I found myself facing an officer of Hussars, wearing the white uniform of Prince Albert of Saxony's regiment.

Madame Froment did not consider it necessary to be "Au-dessus de la mêlée" in order to lead it; and she accomplished in her limited sphere simply, but more efficaciously, what was attempted by writers in Germany and England, a form of international reconciliation.