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I have seen people take it, of course, as a medicine, or as a precaution, or as a wise offset against a rather treacherous climate; but as a beverage, never. The manner and circumstance of their offering whiskey to a stranger amply illustrates their point of view towards it.

A rattling window will keep a child awake for hours, or the creaking handle of the door rouse it up again each time anyone enters the room; and to put a wedge in the window, or to tie back the handle, and so quietly open and close the door, may do more than medicine towards promoting the child's recovery.

He was at this time engaged on his most important works in Medicine and Physical Science. He worked hard at his profession, practising occasionally and reading voraciously all books bearing on his studies.

Anna felt as if the ground had opened under her feet, but she answered gravely "Poor Gerald went through a great deal yesterday, and is quite knocked up, so no wonder he needs some strengthening medicine." "Strengthening grandmother! Don't you think I know better than that?" he cried, with a caper and a grin. "Of course you had to have some cordial when you were taken out of the water."

"Your friend can. Tell him to eat some of the bread and fruit, and I will give him some of our grape medicine as soon as my men bring the skin. A good hearty draught would do you good too, father," he added, turning to the old man and laying his hand with an affectionate gesture upon the priest's arm. "You have been working too hard, and must have had quite a scare. I am very glad we have come."

He enrolled in two courses, medicine, and literature and philosophy; besides these he studied sculpture, drawing and art in San Carlos, and took private lessons in languages from Mr. Hughes, a well-known instructor of the city.

Should what he tells them turn out to be untrue, the fault lies with themselves, and he claims that his instructions have been disregarded. If by accident his dreams are exactly verified, the confidence of the tribe in their medicine-man surpasses all belief. The medicine lodge is their tabernacle of the wilderness the habitation of the Great Spirit, the sacred ark of their faith.

Next he took the bandage from the patient, dipped it in the cup of medicine, and, wringing it out, placed it on the sick man's chest, and rubbed it up and down, and back and forth, after which he again brushed the breast with the eagle wing.

But there's one who sometimes has a call to go through that part of the country, and the people about there is allus very glad when they chance to be sick when he comes along. Now this good luck happened to my sister, fur the doctor come by jist at this time. He looks into the state of the boys, and while their mother has gone downstairs he mixes some medicine he has along with him.

A life protracted by medical skill he pronounced to be a long death. The exercise of the art of medicine ought, he said, to be tolerated, so far as that art may serve to cure the occasional distempers of men whose constitutions are good. As to those who have bad constitutions, let them die; and the sooner the better.